ETS surgery next week


Well-known member
Happy to hear it went well so far.

As the weather in Europe is quite cool right now, what you probably want to look after concerning CS is sweat pattern when you work out or when you get nervous. Also bear in mind that a common side effect is anhidrosis (i.e. total disability of sweating) on the hands and upper body. This leads to hands so dry that paper can't be touched, and head so dry that hair will fall off.

Moreover, gustatory sweating might be troublesome, and disable your social life by noting being able to eat or drink in public. Complaints have also been made about the "zombie effect", when the sympathetic nerve is disturbed feelings like empathy, creativity, even love can be cut off.

Last in concern of immediate side effects is blood pressure and heart issues. You might found your heart is beating slower, and the pulse can't raise as high as before, lowering the physical ability when exercising. This might also be connected with a constant fatigue syndrome that are mentioned by many post-ETS patients.

I don't want to be negative - I am considering the operation myself. I just want to keep in touch and get updated on results of people that gone through with the operation. So please update here, or send me a private message.

Your English is far from bad, I couldn't tell it was not your native language.

By the way - do you know which level you were cut or clamped at?

Best Regards,


Happy to hear it went well so far.

As the weather in Europe is quite cool right now, what you probably want to look after concerning CS is sweat pattern when you work out or when you get nervous. Also bear in mind that a common side effect is anhidrosis (i.e. total disability of sweating) on the hands and upper body. This leads to hands so dry that paper can't be touched, and head so dry that hair will fall off.

Moreover, gustatory sweating might be troublesome, and disable your social life by noting being able to eat or drink in public. Complaints have also been made about the "zombie effect", when the sympathetic nerve is disturbed feelings like empathy, creativity, even love can be cut off.

Last in concern of immediate side effects is blood pressure and heart issues. You might found your heart is beating slower, and the pulse can't raise as high as before, lowering the physical ability when exercising. This might also be connected with a constant fatigue syndrome that are mentioned by many post-ETS patients.

I don't want to be negative - I am considering the operation myself. I just want to keep in touch and get updated on results of people that gone through with the operation. So please update here, or send me a private message.

Your English is far from bad, I couldn't tell it was not your native language.

By the way - do you know which level you were cut or clamped at?

Best Regards,

Hi Grimaldi, thanks for your reply...
I was cuted T2 only. I know it takes a few months to feel the real side effects, but now I'm very happy. I can go out with my friends and I feel much more confident. I've not felt any other side effects.


Well-known member
Hi claus,
I am interested in your story, because I have facial HH as well, because my HH is generalized. It has destroyed my life, and this summer I want to find a solution... I am not willing to try ETS or botox though. I'd like to know how your life was before ETS... how much you sweated and when, and how much it was affecting your social life.


Hi nicholas!

I know what you mean. I had craniofacial HH too, but when I was nervous or in a hot room my wole body started to sweat. The sweat started at my forehead, then in 2 minutes my head was soaked and then my chest and my back started to sweat too. My shirts soaked in 5 minutes.

My hands, feet, and armpits didn't sweat.

Now, my head and my hands don't sweat at all. I have low CS in my feet and the first days after the surgery my body sweated like if I had fever when I was sleeping, but I think it was because of the medication for postoperatory pain.

I'll update when I feel any other changes.

Good luck!


Well-known member
Im glad it has gone well for you! im interested to know how it turns out, be sure to keep us updated! I would love to have ETS but im too afraid at the moment!


Well-known member
That's interesting - the procedure you described with sweating started in face and then throughout the whole body is the same as I use to experience. Even the jeans will stick to my legs. However, on top of that, I do also sweat in hands, feet and armpits.

Please keep us updated on the CS - will nervousness still make you sweat on back/chest? Or do you just don't feel that nervous feeling anymore since T2 is out of order?


That's interesting - the procedure you described with sweating started in face and then throughout the whole body is the same as I use to experience. Even the jeans will stick to my legs. However, on top of that, I do also sweat in hands, feet and armpits.

Please keep us updated on the CS - will nervousness still make you sweat on back/chest? Or do you just don't feel that nervous feeling anymore since T2 is out of order?

Yes, I still feel this nervousness, but when I realize people don't see my swaety head, the sweat in my back and chest stops inmediatly. That's why I believe CS is better than generalized HH...


Well-known member
That's very interesting. In what way do your nervousness display itself physically? Will you get heart racing, trembling voice or likewise? Any other effects on your body in situations that makes you nervous?



I am happy for you.

Thank you very much!
It has been passed two weeks after the surgery and I have to say that every day I am more satisfied with it. Compensatory sweating almost has disappeared, nevertheless already I do not sweat at all in my hands and my head. I have a new live!! To seeing such what in summer.



Well-known member
I now remember you were also in ETS and Reversal forum, saying that having ETS on one level only will most likely not lead to as many side effects as if done on multiple levels.

It seems at least in your case, and so far, you have been somewhat right. I also have email contact with two other patients, cauterized/clamped on one level only. Also they are happy with the results.



Well-known member
Congrats on having great results

It would be nice if you can update us constantly

Thank you


Well-known member
i see i posted in this thread. girmaldi what u think about this? The guy has generalized hh and had success with it and it seems he's moved on with his life... confused again...