entitlement addiction????


Well-known member
entitlement addiction???? It seems to me that now a days so many people have it..hmmm I wonder why that is?

Is it because the media leads them to believe they are owed everything? Is it because so many people want all the latest gadgets and expensive new cars and good jobs without even have to work hard or at least try and get it on their own???Is it because the have umbrella parents that hover over them and don't allow them to go out and make mistakes and see how the world really is???maybe it's reality TV and seeing others that seem to have so much more and it makes people envious,or perhaps making excuses is just far too easier a thing to do and thinking we are owed a good life is easier???I just don't know.

How was it that people who lived through the great depression (and no I was NOT one of them,I wasn't even born yet) and ones that came to America in big ships with so little,were able to achieve and have lives and work for what they got ?? and thats only a couple times in history i mention,there are so many more where people brought themself back when they had nothing.

was it because they knew it would take some hard work and to not have certain things the could not afford and they were NOT entitled to being handed everything they wanted on a silver platter???

I wonder now is entitlement addiction an actual disease ..will they invent yet another pill to cure it ???a pill that makes people visualize that they have EVERYTHING that they believe they are entitled to in life???..yes a pill that you take that makes you believe you live in a beautiful home,with a gorgeous spouse and all the money and stuff you want and the perfect HIGH paying job all because YOU are entitled to have it all......and then you wake up and see that is NOT how the real world works and you go out and make the best of what you have.

excuses are easy,working for what we want is much harder.


Staff member
Who are these people you refer to? Is it the 'underclass' we hear about in the media? I've worked in middle and working class jobs and everyone I've ever worked with has worked their socks off. I've only seen a handful of slackers and they don't usually last long.


Well-known member
In the states they are EVERYWHERE..one can not go out or turn on the TV without seeing and hearing them..not sure how it is in other countries ,but by some of the ones that run around protesting it seems they are all over the world .

as to who they are?? i have no idea who they actually are.but i do know there are a LOT of them,more then I have ever seen before.one could always find a few here and there,but not to this magnitude.


So what are you trying to say exactly? That some people are poor and weak because they havent put the effort into taking control of their own lives? That people make excuses rather than take charge? - that no one deserves to be helped because they have made the wrong decisions combined with a lack of effort?

Sure some people DO have a sense of entitlement and it bugs me too, especially when it come to material things like gadgets and cars etc - but I am sure you will find that those people probably feel that way because they have been given everything their whole life and havent had to work for it - they expect it because thats all they know. But some people get stuck not because they havent tried, but because there are factors beyond their control that prevent them from getting ahead... and in those cases... they ARE entitled - The examples you have given are the exception rather than the rule.
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Well-known member
So what are you trying to say exactly? That some people are poor and weak because they havent put the effort into taking control of their own lives? That people make excuses rather than take charge? - that no one deserves to be helped because they have made the wrong decisions combined with a lack of effort?

Sure some people DO have a sense of entitlement and it bugs me too, especially when it come to material things like gadgets and cars etc - but I am sure you will find that those people probably feel that way because they have been given everything their whole life and havent had to work for it - they expect it because thats all they know. But some people get stuck not because they havent tried, but because there are factors beyond their control that prevent them from getting ahead... and in those cases... they ARE entitled - The examples you have given are the exception rather than the rule.

yes that is what I was saying,but I put it in the form of questions instead.i already knew how i was feeling about the topic and know many that feel the same way,BUT thanks for saying it in easier to understand way.

though i do entirely disagree with people thinking they are entitled to things..actually they are not.

i saw a show about a young man that was born with NO eyes,no,i don't mean he was just blind ,he was actually born with no eyes and these little short arms and unable to walk and to watch all that he has acomplished and how articulate he is about things is amazing..if a person that is born with disabilities like that can go on and acheive what he has ,is an inspiration to anyone,or at least it should be.

thanks for the reply.

patrick henry hughes is the young mans name for anyone who would like to check him out

Patrick Henry Hughes Official Home Page


Well, with all due respect - I disagree with your point of view. I think some people are entitled (if you want to put in those terms) and that some people do need help from others or to be provided for (or at least assisted) to live their life in a dignified and healthy way - there are far too many variables and ones situation needs to approached on a case by case basis - not a one rule fits all attitude. I can understand what you are saying though... this is a topic that has been touched on many times before here - and I think its fairly fruitless to debate seeing as we both feel fairly contrasted on the topic.... when it comes down to it... we are ALL human - we all have basic needs that need to be attended too, because that is the humanistic approach to dealing with the world and its inhabitants... in my opinion.
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Well-known member
then we will agree to disagree to a certain level. I never have a problem with giving people a helping hand,,it's giving people the hand out 24/7 that I have the problem with.I feel like that only enables people to continue on a path that they will not even try and help themself on their own.,,it has nothing to do with dignity or health IMO.many a time I have given a homeless person on the street money,some I know say why do that,they say the person will only go buy alcohol or drugs with it..SO??? how do i know I wouldn't do the same thing if I were that person.I do not know what got them to that life.."There for but the grace of God go I",i believe the saying goes.BUT what I was speaking of was something ENTIRELY different.

I don't feel people that get up every day and work their ass off should be responsible for certain people that don't even want to try but in many cases will milk the system or expect everything handed to them..I just don't "get it",nor do I want to.

someone once told me that if a person starts a conversation with the words,"with all due respect",that you know they will probably have no respect for you actually...when he said that I laughed and said he was probably correct in his observation of that....but i have no problem hearing anothers point of view anymore then they should have a problem hearing mine...I assume NOTHINg with people I do not actually know ..I mean why would I,thats why I ask hypothetical questions some time,to see how others resond to them,I already know how I feel.

the topic may have been touched on before,BUT I have NOT read EVERY post on the site,nor have I been a member long enough to have even tried to do so,not to mention I do not have that much time to spend on the intenet on one site.

the fact that we are all different is a good thing...I have never been one for one size fits all.


someone once told me that if a person starts a conversation with the words,"with all due respect",that you know they will probably have no respect for you actually...when he said that I laughed and said he was probably correct in his observation of that....but i have no problem hearing anothers point of view anymore then they should have a problem hearing mine...I assume NOTHINg with people I do not actually know ..I mean why would I,thats why I ask hypothetical questions some time,to see how others resond to them,I already know how I feel.

the topic may have been touched on before,BUT I have NOT read EVERY post on the site,nor have I been a member long enough to have even tried to do so,not to mention I do not have that much time to spend on the intenet on one site.

With all due respect is a way of saying - I happen to have a contrary opinion - whilst holding the person in regard. Merely trying to be polite despite opposite feelings on the topic at hand. A gesture of goodwill. A nicety so to speak - interpret it as you will.

I don't feel people that get up every day and work their ass off should be responsible for certain people that don't even want to try but in many cases will milk the system or expect everything handed to them..I just don't "get it",nor do I want to.

I dont agree with it either - but perhaps a willingness to understand might be key into changing ones perspective - there is always a reason.

Yes the topic has been touched on before - which happens to be highly divisive - and for that reason. I am just going to agree to disagree as you have just mentioned.
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Well-known member
Eh? Are you talking about the welfare system maybe? Because a lot of people 'milk' it because if they get a job, they end up with less money than if they just stayed on welfare. Or are you talking about how everyone expect new shiny things whenever they want? I think it's a combination between how someone was raised, the attitudes of their nation (or world) at the time, and the ready access to credit cards.

deleted #89

I think that you are oversimplifying and judging way to much....too many variables here to just say what you said. You have the enviroment, parents influence, self esteem etc........ A blind person who works hard is not " better " then a millionaire who has it "easy" and vice versa. This whole judging is a mind distortion that does no gooddddddddd
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Well-known member
I'm not judging, I'm replying to you. It's true that the answer I gave is simple, but do you want a complex answer? Of course there are more variables, but the ones I listed are major components that I have observed from people in my personal life.