end of days.


Well-known member
young said:
See what I ment was. As long as you can classify something as good. There will always be evil. If there was no good. There would be no evil. Just like if their was no beautiful there would be no ugly.

I know what you mean, but you see that is part of the reason why God allows sin and evil to exist for a short period of time before he returns. The reason why Adam and Eve chose to disobey God in the first place was because they did not know how terrible the consequences would be for us to obey the devil rather than God. So all rightous who has overcome their sinful nature have experienced a life here on earth where we have seen all the horrific effects of sin and evil. So by experiencing the consequenses of sin we will all know both good and evil and also we will not be tempted to rebel against God a second time. Also the marks in Jesus hands (from the crucifixion) will also be a constant forever reminder of what rebelling against God led to.


Well-known member
Christianity is ignorant superstition from a barbaric past. The Bible is a disgusting, hateful book full of stupidity and malice. Jesus may have been a virtuous man, but the Christians are a confused and vicious cult. If you want some genuine theology, read Plato or Plotinus, and leave the insane ravings of the Biblical authors. :roll:


Well-known member
Zipper said:
Christianity is ignorant superstition from a barbaric past. The Bible is a disgusting, hateful book full of stupidity and malice. Jesus may have been a virtuous man, but the Christians are a confused and vicious cult. If you want some genuine theology, read Plato or Plotinus, and leave the insane ravings of the Biblical authors. :roll:

I will be the first to agree with you that there are many christians hypocrites out there. And yes, I am ashamed to say that I have been ignorant enough to buy into the easy bought salvation-doctrine myself. Luckily I have discovered what I believe is the real Bible-truth, and once you hear and understand what the Bible really says you will hopefully realize that it is not a hatefull, stupid book, but that the whole book is all about bringing us back to the garden of Eden so that we won't die, but have everlasting life. Let me once again repeat that Jesus is Gods representant, he showed us Gods real character.


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
Once you hear and understand what the Bible really says you will hopefully realize that it is not a hatefull, stupid book.
Of course, the ever-elusive "real meaning" of Christianity and the hidden "true message" of the Bible which will show it to be sensible and not the irrational mind control device that it appears to be.

The real meaning of the Bible is that God requites evil with destructive retribution, upon the evil-doer, or upon Christ as atonement for those who have been justified (pardoned) by faith:

Hebrews 10:38-39 (New International Version)
“But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him." But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.

John 3:36 (New International Version)
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him."

Matthew 10:32-33 (New International Version)
"Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven."

The Bible says this, and the Bible will never change. It says the same thing on the first reading as it does on the millionth. It is foolish garbage that can be swallowed only by dupes. The being described in the Bible -- who punishes people of other religions without an intent to correct them -- would be the most cruel being in the universe if he existed at all.

Please read the Bible again, and then see what it really says, and then throw it away as the grim horror story that it is. Honestly. There are other religions out there, take the chance now to investigate them while you are young. Just because you grew up in a family of Christianity does not mean you have to keep that albatross hanging around your neck. Taoism, Platonism, and Paganism are good places to start.


Well-known member
The Bible says that he who was given much, much is required. It also says somewhere that those who rejects knowledge, he will be punished with more stripes than he who knew less. God will not punish people for something they had no chance of knowing. But since God gave us this life, he can also take it back if we choose to reject Him.

If you think about it, eternal life in perfect happiness and harmony with Jesus can not be granted to just anybody. God can only give that gift to those who love and trust him enough to follow his commandments and accept Jesus as their saviour. Like I have said earlier God could have chosen to wipe us all out and chosen not to create any more humans when Adam and Eve first sinned, but because he loved us he sent his son Jesus to die for us sinners. Do you think that was easy for God to endure, to not step in and call it all off? His only, perfect son? What greater sacrifice is there than to offer your own child whom you love more than life itself? But, he did it, because he loved us.

The reason why God can not let sinners in to heaven is because he has promised not to let sin and evil rise a second time.

And you know, the more I read the Bible and the more I search for answers, the more I see who God is and that he is what he says he is:


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
The Bible says that he who was given much, much is required. It also says somewhere that those who rejects knowledge, he will be punished with more stripes than he who knew less. God will not punish people for something they had no chance of knowing. But since God gave us this life, he can also take it back if we choose to reject Him.

If you think about it, eternal life in perfect happiness and harmony with Jesus can not be granted to just anybody. Like I have said earlier God could have chosen to wipe us all out and chosen not to create any more humans when Adam and Eve first sinned, but because he loved us he sent his son Jesus to die for us sinners. Do you think that was easy for God to endure, to not step in and call it all off? His only, perfect son? What greater sacrifice is there than to offer your own child whom you love more than life itself? But, he did it, because he loved us.

The reason why God can not let sinners in to heaven is because he has promised not to let sin and evil rise a second time.

And you know, the more I read the Bible and the more I search for answers, the more I see who God is and that he is what he says he is:
This is all pretty standard fundie-talk, please let me know when there are some new elements to this repertoire. I've heard it all before -- heck, I've said it all before. I used to believe the Bible when it spoke of God's non-corrective punishments for non-Christians:

2 Thessalonians 1:6-9 (New International Version)
God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power.

And I used to believe the Bible's vile explanations of the meaning of Christ's death on the cross:

Galatians 3:10-13 (New International Version)
"Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law." Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree."

But now I recognize it for the morbid chain letter that it is. You will too some day.


Well-known member
Zipper said:
The real meaning of the Bible is that God requites evil with destructive retribution, upon the evil-doer, or upon Christ as atonement for those who have been justified (pardoned) by faith:

Christinity isn't the only religion that punishes the evil.

Zipper said:
The Bible says this, and the Bible will never change. It says the same thing on the first reading as it does on the millionth

Really??? Huh, that's funny. Since you're quoting from a new version of the bible. So it must of changed somewhere or they wouldn't of written a new version. Unless they wanted ot just number it differently.

Besides the bible is written by man. And we all know what man is capable of doing.


Well-known member
Religious topics really do tend to bring out the Asshole in everybody, don't they? And no, that wasn't a reference to rectal prolapse.


Well-known member
Doesn't say in the bible that you should not try to predict the end of the world? Seems like people have been doing this all throughout history though.
What's the rush?

The predictions seem to be vague at best. It's reminiscent of the Nostradamus predictions or even horoscopes: A lot of horrible transparent meanings. Even worse, it's put on an indefinite timeline.

The world will end for everybody one day and I do not mean collectively.


Well-known member
Zipper wrote:
This is all pretty standard fundie-talk

No, it is not as most christian leaders teach that there is one standard punishment for all the ungodly, or they teach that God has given the Devil the task of making sure that all the wicked will never escape that torturous place they call hell. (Hell is btw translated from 3 different words in the original Bible).

This article will give detailed information about the biblical truth about hellfire:

Also when trying to explain the Bible, it would only make sense to go by the Bible. There is a lot of misunderstanding among Christians, and a lot of the confusion develop when they view some parts of the Bible as being more important than others in my opinion. Not to mention people that build denominations based on a few bible-verses taken completely out of context!
Every single letter matter in order to understand the whole picture. But in order to find out what the Bible teach in different areas, the Bible tells us to compare scripture to scripture, or else it will lead to all different kind of conclusions.

But now I recognize it for the morbid chain letter that it is. You will too some day.

Oh really?! Well the more I study it, the more sense it makes to me!
The Bible is not a morbid chain letter, it is a book that has all the information man needs in order to not have to face death (2.death). It is a manual for all of us to have everlasting life, not in the present evil world, but in the new perfect world.
It is a book that makes perfect sense for why we were all created. In the first place we were not created to die, we were not created to experience evil. But because man did not trust in God, the creator of all things, they chose to rebel. And when God saw what their distrust (chose to listen to the devil in stead of Him) would eventually lead to, he had two choices:

1) Wipe us all out and never create another human being ever again.
2) Decide to let us humans experience for ourself the consequences of sin and to save as many as possible from having to die.

Luckily he decided the second alternative, only because he loves us and desires us all to come to repentance and accept Jesus as our saviour.

I've heard it all before -- heck, I've said it all befare

Well last time you had something to say about this matter on this forum, some months back, you seemed to think that the Bible taught the ungodly will be tortured in hell for eternity. I bought into it myself, because I assumed that all those christian leaders knew what they were talking about, but it turns out that they are wrong, TG! But sadly that is what the majority of christian denominations teach, although it is completely unbiblical.

Yes, it is true that all those who do not know God will be punished with everlasting destruction = Death. The everlasting punishment is death. And God will only require all people to make the most of the light they were given. That means those who have a Bible will be punished with more “stripes” than those who don’t, for rejecting knowledge. But we are all born with a sense to distinguish between right and wrong. So if someone who do not have a Bible and yet choose the evil-road and perhaps choose to torture and murder a mass of people, then I will assume God will punish that person too based on what he knows. But the Bible clearly teach that when all the unrighteous has been offered their fair punishment, according to their works, they will all, inclusive Satan and his demons, burn up completely.

This coming day of judgement is something that God dreads more than anything, this is for him a strange act and completely out of character for Him, but he has to do it in order to bring justice to everyone and to erase all evil for good..

"As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die?" Ezekiel 33:11.

"For the Lord shall rise up ... that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act." Isaiah 28:21.

This will ensure us that God is fair and that for instance the dictators responsible for the suffering and murder of millions of people will not get away without first to pay for what they have done. But all ungodly will eventually be totally destructed because only those who are holy (follow his commandments and have the faith of Jesus) can be given immortality together with the Lord in the perfect world he will create after the day of judgement. Think about it who would want eternal life without Gods presence (good) where there remains nothing but evil? No, luckily we have a God that is merciful enough to give every wicked their fair punishment and then he will let them die so that there will in fact be no more pain, sorrow, violence,no more evil for anybody ever again!

It is God's plan to isolate sin and blot it out of existence for all time.


Well-known member
Shonen_Yo wrote:

The predictions seem to be vague at best. It's reminiscent of the Nostradamus predictions or even horoscopes: A lot of horrible transparent meanings. Even worse, it's put on an indefinite timeline.

If we choose to follow what Nostradamus or the horoscopes have to say about the matter we will get all different kinds of confusing theories. In fact God forbids to seek advice in the stars and to blindly trust all people who name themselves prophets. Remember the Bible says there will come many false prophets.
But Jesus and the Bible has plenty to say about this matter so if we stick to the Bible and let the Bible interpret itself this won’t happen. However it is possible to misinterpret the Bible and the prophecies including what regards the last days. For instance in order to understand the symbol language used in book of revelations we need to learn the codes in order to understand, and the codes are found mainly in the book of Daniel (OT), but also other parts of the Bible. So those people/denominations who basically advice to throw away the OT, because they think everything there is done away with, will not be able to understand what the book of revelations has to say.

Doesn't say in the bible that you should not try to predict the end of the world?

No, it doesn’t say that. It only says that nobody but God will know the exact hour when Jesus returns.

This is what Jesus says:

"Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." Matthew 24:32-34.

"When ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors." Matthew?24:33

"...ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?" Matt 16:3

So it is obvious that God wants us to look for the signs or else he would not have given them, and he wants us to be prepared when he comes.

I have already listed a couple of things as to different signs Jesus spoke of, here are some more:

A. Capital-labor troubles
"The hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord." "Be ... patient; ... for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh." James 5:4, 8.

B. Wars and commotions
"But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass." Luke 21:9.

C. Unrest, fear, and upheaval
"And there shall be ... upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; ... Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth." Luke 21:25, 26.

D. Increase of knowledge
"Even to the time of the end ... knowledge shall be increased." Daniel 12:4.
The Information Age makes this one all too obvious. Even the most skeptical mind must admit that this sign is fulfilled. Knowledge is exploding in all directions. It is said that 80 percent of the world's total knowledge has been brought forth in the last decade and that 90 percent of all the scientists who have ever lived are alive today.

E. Scoffers and religious skeptics who turn away from Bible truth
"There shall come in the last days scoffers." 2 Peter 3:3. "They will not endure sound doctrine; ... And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." 2 Timothy 4:3, 4.

F. Moral degeneracy--decline of spirituality
"In the last days ... men shall be lovers of their own selves, ... Without natural affection, ... incontinent, ... despisers of those that are good, ... Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof." 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

G. Craze for pleasure
"In the last days ... men shall be ... lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God." 2 Timothy 3:1-4.

H. Increasing lawlessness, bloody crimes, and violence
"Iniquity shall abound." Matthew 24:12. "Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse." 2 Timothy 3:13. "The land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence." Ezekiel 7:23.

I. Destructive earthquakes, storms, and famines
"And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences." Luke 21:11.

J. A special message to the world in the very last days
"This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." Matthew 24:14.
The great, solemn, last warning message of Christ's second coming is now being presented in more than 900 languages and dialects. Nearly 95 percent of the world's population has access to this message. (Note this was written before year 2000!) Before Jesus' second coming, every person in the world will be warned of His soon return. People will be lost only if they reject the warning message.

K. A turning to spiritism
"In the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits." 1 Timothy 4:1. "They are the spirits of devils." Revelation 16:14.
People today, including a vast number of the heads of nations, seek counsel from psychics, channelers, and spiritualists. Spiritism has invaded the churches, as well, with the false teaching of the immortality of the soul. The Bible teaches that the dead are dead.


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
Zipper wrote:
This is all pretty standard fundie-talk

No, it is not as most christian leaders teach that there is one standard punishment for all the ungodly, or they teach that God has given the Devil the task of making sure that all the wicked will never escape that torturous place they call hell. (Hell is btw translated from 3 different words in the original Bible).

This article will give detailed information about the biblical truth about hellfire:

Also when trying to explain the Bible, it would only make sense to go by the Bible. There is a lot of misunderstanding among Christians, and a lot of the confusion develop when they view some parts of the Bible as being more important than others in my opinion. Not to mention people that build denominations based on a few bible-verses taken completely out of context!
Every single letter matter in order to understand the whole picture. But in order to find out what the Bible teach in different areas, the Bible tells us to compare scripture to scripture, or else it will lead to all different kind of conclusions.

But now I recognize it for the morbid chain letter that it is. You will too some day.

Oh really?! Well the more I study it, the more sense it makes to me!
The Bible is not a morbid chain letter, it is a book that has all the information man needs in order to not have to face death (2.death). It is a manual for all of us to have everlasting life, not in the present evil world, but in the new perfect world.
It is a book that makes perfect sense for why we were all created. In the first place we were not created to die, we were not created to experience evil. But because man did not trust in God, the creator of all things, they chose to rebel. And when God saw what their distrust (chose to listen to the devil in stead of Him) would eventually lead to, he had two choices:

1) Wipe us all out and never create another human being ever again.
2) Decide to let us humans experience for ourself the consequences of sin and to save as many as possible from having to die.

Luckily he decided the second alternative, only because he loves us and desires us all to come to repentance and accept Jesus as our saviour.

I've heard it all before -- heck, I've said it all befare

Well last time you had something to say about this matter on this forum, some months back, you seemed to think that the Bible taught the ungodly will be tortured in hell for eternity. I bought into it myself, because I assumed that all those christian leaders knew what they were talking about, but it turns out that they are wrong, TG! But sadly that is what the majority of christian denominations teach, although it is completely unbiblical.

Yes, it is true that all those who do not know God will be punished with everlasting destruction = Death. The everlasting punishment is death. And God will only require all people to make the most of the light they were given. That means those who have a Bible will be punished with more “stripes” than those who don’t, for rejecting knowledge. But we are all born with a sense to distinguish between right and wrong. So if someone who do not have a Bible and yet choose the evil-road and perhaps choose to torture and murder a mass of people, then I will assume God will punish that person too based on what he knows. But the Bible clearly teach that when all the unrighteous has been offered their fair punishment, according to their works, they will all, inclusive Satan and his demons, burn up completely.

This coming day of judgement is something that God dreads more than anything, this is for him a strange act and completely out of character for Him, but he has to do it in order to bring justice to everyone and to erase all evil for good..

"As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die?" Ezekiel 33:11.

"For the Lord shall rise up ... that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act." Isaiah 28:21.

This will ensure us that God is fair and that for instance the dictators responsible for the suffering and murder of millions of people will not get away without first to pay for what they have done. But all ungodly will eventually be totally destructed because only those who are holy (follow his commandments and have the faith of Jesus) can be given immortality together with the Lord in the perfect world he will create after the day of judgement. Think about it who would want eternal life without Gods presence (good) where there remains nothing but evil? No, luckily we have a God that is merciful enough to give every wicked their fair punishment and then he will let them die so that there will in fact be no more pain, sorrow, violence,no more evil for anybody ever again!

It is God's plan to isolate sin and blot it out of existence for all time.

All those examples are either obvious or have been going on throughout history. As for the bible being spread throughout the world. Too bad my ancestors were too late to hear it and are doomed for enternity (along with the asians). That's not what I'd call a loving god.


Well-known member
As for the bible being spread throughout the world. Too bad my ancestors were too late to hear it and are doomed for enternity (along with the asians). That's not what I'd call a loving god.

Well, this is where most christians have failed I believe. The christians were given a very big, important task after Jesus died on the cross: to spread the salvation-message to the whole world. If every christian had taken that order more seriously, the word would have spread much faster than it has. And also, like I have said: The Bible says that people will not be punished for something they did not have a chance of knowing. They will probably (?) not be granted eternal life, but we can be sure that God will not punish them for things they did if they had no idea that it was wrong.

All those examples are either obvious or have been going on throughout history.

I know things like earthquakes, floods etc is not a new invention, but when Jesus spoke of these things he said there would be a major increase.
I will repeat a few propecies with added comments:

Moral Degeneracy
Prophecy: "In the last days ... men shall be lovers of their own selves, ... Without natural affection, ... incontinent, ... despisers of those that are good, ... Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof." 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
The world is in the midst of a tremendous crisis. An epidemic of crime, illegal drugs, pornography, and moral degeneracy is threatening to overwhelm us. Suicide is becoming a popular solution to human problems. Divorce rates are climbing wildly, with nearly one marriage in two ending in the divorce court.

Increasing lawlessness, bloody crimes, and violence
"Iniquity shall abound." Matthew 24:12. "Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse." 2 Timothy 3:13. "The land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence." Ezekiel 7:23.
It is all too obvious that this sign is fulfilled. Crime and lawlessness are increasing with shocking rapidity. Most people in large cities do not answer their doorbells after dark. The wisest statesmen of our time are concerned for the survival of civilization because crime sweeps forward seemingly beyond control. Look at United States (where murder and drive-by-shooting are everyday news) for instance where most of the people do not feel "safe" unless they are carrying a gun! The news are filled with violence, conflicts and wars all over the world.

Destructive earthquakes, storms, and famines
"And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences." Luke 21:11.
Earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, etc. are increasing at an unprecedented rate. One-third of the people of the world are hungry, and thousands die daily of starvation. All these things are further proof that we live in earth's last hours.

Signs in the Social World
2 Timothy 3:1-5 "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural-affection, truce-breakers, despisers of those that are good. Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."
A more accurate pen-picture of modern man can scarcely be found; and to think that it was written over 1900 years ago. It is but another sign of Jesus return.


(Just click the title!)
The video explains important info about Jesus coming so we won't be decieved!
(! It starts with a story from the OT, this only lasts a few minutes before the actual storacle lesson starts-but if anyone decide to watch it please watch it from start to finish -very interesting and important info!) :)


Well-known member
This bible-prophecy should make all the skeptics think one more time about the validity of the Bible.
Do not miss out on this!

Daniel's prophecy about world powers

About 606 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar II, ruler of the Babylonian empire, captured Jerusalem. Daniel, a teenager, was among the Jewish captives taken from Jerusalem to Babylon. There he was educated, found favor with kings Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar and was promoted to various positions in the Babylonian government.

Daniel had a number of prophetic dreams or visions.
The vision recorded in Daniel chapter 7 provides an important basic outline of major world events...


This prophecy will also reveal that there will not be another world government...


...and that we are living in the last days before Jesus returns.




Well-known member

savage_beagle said:
YOUNG--- if thats what you wish to choose to do, then you are your own man and do whatever you think is appropiate. If you were in a car without brakes and going downhill or towards a cliff's edge, would you just turn to the ones in the car with you and give up, not even attempting to look at any options such as steering or gearing down the transmission? Maybe just scream and wish for a miracle to save you? Or at least attempt to show you wish to live and do what it takes to successfully make it thru? All i am saying is do the best with what is presented in front of you. The bible says you can always return back to GOD, as long as you truly ask for forgiveness and change your ways . Once again, no offence...do as you please.

Hey, i'm muslim and i'm offended.
Shall i give you a verse out of of the Qur'an?!

Edit: LA-girl, same with you (above).


Well-known member
Hi Higolo!

There are no law that would exclude Islam or any other religion in here. If you wish to express your religious view you are free to make your own thread as well or go to the religious debate thread or positive religious thread on the Off topic section where all religions are welcome! :)


Well-known member
jinxed said:
Speaking of destiny/fate, if God can already foresee the future choices of every person, what is he waiting for?
Why didn't he just end all this destruction and suffering which he himself is in dismay, and save everyone who he already knows will be saved?
Unless he doesn't know at all, or he 'might' know and that it's not certain, but just suggested?
Or he knows some ppl but not certain others, which doesn't make sense why he can't see Everyone's and only certain people?

Like I have said earlier, God could have chosen to end it all long time ago, but then billions of people would never had the chance to be born and have the opportunity to be granted eternal life.

It says in the Bible that God is longsuffering, he wants everyone to come to repentance, to turn their back on sin and accept his gift of eternal life. But although God permits evil to exist for a short while (some thousands years compared with eternity is pretty short) although he hates and has great sorrow to see his planet destroyed (which we are destroying) and his creation ruined (by ruining-ourselves and others), he does allow it only for our sake.

Also remember if we all went through this life without experiencing any sorrow, any pain, any evil whatsoever, we would never know what the consequences of trusting the devil led to and then there would always be a risk for sin to arise a second time. Then there would be no point in living whatsoever. If it was only for the pleasure of a very short life-time. What would be the point in that? No, God created us for the purpose to live with him for eternity where everything is nothing but good. It is through much tribulation we will receive eternal life.

You must view this in an eternal perspective. God set a time period for how long he would let sin and evil go on in order to save as many as possible.

Remember although he knows who will be saved and who will not does not mean that he is the one determining or choosing who will. "Whosoever comes to me I will not cast out" .

I heard this metaphor today:
Think of the sun. Lets say we have two bulks of material: One part clay and one part wax.
When the sun is shining on the bulk of clay it gets hard and when the same sun shines on the bulk of wax it gets soft.
It is the same with us; God approaches different individuals, but some respond with a hard heart (pride) and others with a soft heart (humility). God can not decide how we should react, it is up to us how we respond to his invitation!
We have a free will and a free choice!

It is up to us, it is our choice;
Eternal death or eternal life.


Well-known member
You 're very welcome jinxed!

Btw I just wanted to mention one more thing about why I think it is getting close to the end of this world.
This is something I have never heard anywhere, it's just my own speculation...

I have been thinking about the explosion in for instance music and fashion industry in the 20th century (1900-2000)

There was a particular kind of fashion and music in the 20's,30's,40's, 50's, (rock'n roll) 60's,70's(hippie-fashion and disco music), 80's (Speaks for itself), 90.s...

But now it all seems to have stopped, it is like everything is recycled and it gets harder and harder to be creative and invent something that has not already been invented, especially in terms of music and fashion. It's more like a re-invention rather than a new invention and they seem to go back rather than forward...
Anyway this is just a thought I've had...


Well-known member
the world was supposed to have ended hundreds of times before. Wasnt we all going to die when the clocks inside all the computers hit 2000 AD and all the computers controlling the nukes would go nuts?

I understand that the Bible has many messages, but the book of Revelation is like a Riddle and its very difficult for the most senior clergy men to interpret. Besides Isreal hasnt rebuilt its temple and aslong as this terrible conflict carries on they wont be building it in a hurry. I understand that people have fears of the end of the world, but thats irrelevent. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow and that will be the end of your world.