emptiness engulfing me


Well-known member
I feel empty and feel an infinate sadness all the time. I just don';t know what to do anymore!


Well-known member
Social R - that response was out of order!

Of course you have this feeling - you're very likely depressed if you have had to cope with the chronic anxiety issues SP sufferers have to deal with.

My advice is see your doctor and ask for medication/CBT.

Then you have powerful tools with which to get into sports, activities and so on.


Well-known member
Forget SocialRetahd, that was out of line...

Depression can make you feel this way... and if you already have a job, hobbies... it may be something bothering you inside but you don't know what it is... Do you have someone that you can talk to?


New member
depression seems to take away all will to continue hobbies,work,family,...........and so on. Atleast my bouts w/depress. have. There's times you cant even get out of bed. it does suck. As it was preveiously suggested---get to a doctor. I understand how you feel.


Well-known member
Hi thanks to you people that understand :D

I do feel guilty now for moaning about it. I have hobbies I work and I have been to the Dr and am currently on meds, but I can't get therapy untill October due to the waiting list.


Active member
Actually I'm browsing this forum again 'cause I noticed myself feeling like that.
I have a job (a better one than months ago), a girlfriend, activities I like pursuing yet I feel profoundly unhappy and uncomfortable as if my past suffering kept lingering.


Well-known member
You could always take up religion which will counter-act your emptiness by making you believe that their more than this life.