Embarrassing Moments

I'm completely embarrassed right now, over a big mistake of mine. I just want to crawl into a hole.

Will you share one of your embarrassing moments, please? Maybe it will help. Thanks.


Super Moderator
If it makes you feel any better... I feel embarrassed for almost everything I do, even if there was no apparent mistake :D


Well-known member
I was going to see a show in London and me and my friend took a while getting our tickets. Her mum and mums friend saw the train and ran for it. They had to stop the whole train and hold the doors open so that we could run and get on it. The train was packed. Everyone was looking at us, some looked pretty peed off. I was bright red the whole journey which wasn't too long thankfully. Fun times. :D


I'm probably gonna regret saying this here, but one of my most embarrassing moments was when I had the seat of my pants torn off down to the underwear by a big dog in front of a group of people. Hopefully that helps you out some. :D


Well-known member
I was at a party one time where I will admit to being sufficiently intoxicated, I don't drink at all really so this was new to me. I stood up because I didn't feel good and bit the dust, hardcore. Got up, said "Hey guys I feel funny.." and then landed on my damn face, lol. I got up though and if it weren't for me being with really close friends that would have been so much worse. I proceeded to make my way to the bathroom or balcony and threw my guts up. But I felt completely better afterward, lol.


Well-known member
I'm probably gonna regret saying this here, but one of my most embarrassing moments was when I had the seat of my pants torn off down to the underwear by a big dog in front of a group of people. Hopefully that helps you out some. :D

Lol that actually reminded me of another memory.

I was at a party of my friends and needed the loo, when i came out everyone was laughing and looking so i thought hmmmmm! then one of my friends took me to the side and told me i had my skirt tucked into my knickers at the back. ::eek::


Well-known member
When I was at a family party when I was 14 (I hadn't been to one in years), one of my aunts asked me about something, then made a small joke after. It was a crap joke, but I tried to make that small laugh noise where you exhale through your nose. Anyway, I forgot to blow my nose earlier and a massive bogey flew out my nose and landed on my lip. I panicked and didn't know what to do, so I used my tongue to get it in my mouth and ate it. ::(:::(:::(:::(:
When I was at a family party when I was 14 (I hadn't been to one in years), one of my aunts asked me about something, then made a small joke after. It was a crap joke, but I tried to make that small laugh noise where you exhale through your nose. Anyway, I forgot to blow my nose earlier and a massive bogey flew out my nose and landed on my lip. I panicked and didn't know what to do, so I used my tongue to get it in my mouth and ate it. ::(:::(:::(:

lol... thanks guys. :)
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Well-known member
When I was at a family party when I was 14 (I hadn't been to one in years), one of my aunts asked me about something, then made a small joke after. It was a crap joke, but I tried to make that small laugh noise where you exhale through your nose. Anyway, I forgot to blow my nose earlier and a massive bogey flew out my nose and landed on my lip. I panicked and didn't know what to do, so I used my tongue to get it in my mouth and ate it. :::(:::(:::(:

Oh, I somewhat know how you feel. I was soo sick one time but I didn't want to miss any school because it was finals week, I was in my Accounting class when I sneezed snot all over my record books! It was awful, lol and my friends of course made a nice little joke out of it. Needless to say they all got together and made me a homemade tissue box with little things that reminded me of them as a graduation present, lol. And of course I earned the nickname of AVP...for that movie Alien Vs. Predator...but oh well. I was sick ::p:
Oh, I somewhat know how you feel. I was soo sick one time but I didn't want to miss any school because it was finals week, I was in my Accounting class when I sneezed snot all over my record books! It was awful, lol and my friends of course made a nice little joke out of it. Needless to say they all got together and made me a homemade tissue box with little things that reminded me of them as a graduation present, lol. And of course I earned the nickname of AVP...for that movie Alien Vs. Predator...but oh well. I was sick ::p:

Ew Krissy... come on. ::p: Jk.


Well-known member
once a good friend came over to get high and im very sure she has social anxiety. we were having a really good time then i tried to kiss her but then she froze and got awkward then i got awkward then we were really awkward... it was the worst and it did me head in for a while after
Today in sports lesson when i ran out of the room because i thought it was embarrassing and uncomfortable to dance in front of my teacher. He followed me and asked me if everything was alright. I told him i felt sick and needed a quick break. and then he said ''your eyes are red'' i giggled like a nervous child .. It was just like getting caught for something i did. I hate my nervous laughter.