Embarassed by my name.


Well-known member
What's your name (if you don't mind me asking!)?

I hate my name too, but who doesn't? I remember being really ashamed of my first name for some reason when I was younger, but I never really knew why. It's wearing itself off, but I still feel a little bit of humiliation when I sit there and think "Holy shit, is that really my name?"


Well-known member
Your name doesn't define who you are.
But if it really bothers you that much, you should have it changed. :)


Active member
No don't change your name. I did that for the same reason as you, I was embarrassed by it. It felt good to have a new name for a while, almost like being a new person, but I soon regretted it. My new name never felt right, it was almost like I was committing some kind of fraud. After 10 years I changed it back. I realised that it was stupid to change my birth name just because I associated it with being teased at school. Don't do it, it is like giving in to other peoples pressure.


Well-known member
Why not just pronounce it differently?


Ok maybe not the last one, but you get the idea :wink:


Well-known member
I have a unique and really strange last name which my parents made up and I have been a little bit "teased" for it. Not bad but I still don't like it. And I always feel embarrased to tell new people my name since they will start to ask how t spell it or such. (<,<)


Well-known member
I hate my last name! it's Rogers, LOL. kids would always tease me and say, "Hey, is your dad Mister Rogers?" ya know, like that kid show? :\
hated it. especially since my dad passed away when I was too young to remember him.


Well-known member
I used to think I would change my name if I had an embarassing one. But now I don't know. I just have a normal name, a little too plain and normal if you ask me. But one time I worked in a bank and I had to always go through people's files and file name change certificates (like for when women got married). But one time I filed a name change certificate for a guy, and his name used to be James Geeky but he got it changed to like James Smith or Jones or something.

I remember thinking, "Wow, that sucks. He must have been teased so much that he finally broke down and changed it."

I don't think I would change it now, because that would be like I let the people who make fun of me "win." I think I would have just tried to be the coolest "James Geeky" I could be! It might even be a great conversation starter or icebreaker when meeting new people.


Well-known member
embarrasing names is where im at! lols! my name is not so embarrasing as what it consists of! so i now stick to introducing myself with my middle name! i like the name don't get me wrong! it's meaning in general is kinda pretty, but come on dad couldn't you forsee years of teasing ahead when you chose it. lols! i'd never change it though, because it's mine!
Sometimes I really hate my name and sometimes I don't have any problem with it. My opinion on it I guess is slightly unstable. I don't like telling people when they ask me what it is, but either way I usually never tell people my name anyways so it's not THAT bad for me. Like your name!! I don't judge people by their names because it's not like they really chose it or anything, it's just something I don't care about.


Well-known member
dpr said:
I used to think I would change my name if I had an embarassing one. But now I don't know. I just have a normal name, a little too plain and normal if you ask me. But one time I worked in a bank and I had to always go through people's files and file name change certificates (like for when women got married). But one time I filed a name change certificate for a guy, and his name used to be James Geeky but he got it changed to like James Smith or Jones or something.

I remember thinking, "Wow, that sucks. He must have been teased so much that he finally broke down and changed it."

I don't think I would change it now, because that would be like I let the people who make fun of me "win." I think I would have just tried to be the coolest "James Geeky" I could be! It might even be a great conversation starter or icebreaker when meeting new people.

Lol james geeky!! that name is epic


Well-known member
dpr said:
I don't think I would change it now, because that would be like I let the people who make fun of me "win." I think I would have just tried to be the coolest "James Geeky" I could be! It might even be a great conversation starter or icebreaker when meeting new people.

My name is in that situation. I was teased so much in elementary school.. middle school that by highschool it didn't really matter anymore. And i feel exactly the same way, it would be like letting the people who made fun of me "win" if i changed it.


Well-known member
I dont know anyone who likes their name. So im sure your not alone.

I hate my name too. It's not embarrassing, it's just common as hell!! Jessica! all the way through school, i always had at least one other jessica in my class, and i always ended up getting called "Other-Jessica", or "Jessica #2". Nobody ment anything by it, but it still hurt my feelings. Like, "Why cant I be the main Jessica for once?!" Come on dad, you couldnt get your four remaining brain cells fired up and given me a SLIGHYLY less heinously common name?!

And then, my best friend's Dad went way over board with the uniqness factor. Her name is BLANDY. "You mean, Brandy?" "No, BUH-LAN-DEE!!" Poor girl! ^_^


Well-known member
My second name is quite embarrassing, I coped a lot of shit for it at school. It still annoys me, but I don't obsess over it. I've considered changing the pronunciation of it, or changing it altogether. I think if I did change my name my family would consider me shallow and superficial.


Well-known member
noblame4 said:
I dont know anyone who likes their name. So im sure your not alone.

I hate my name too. It's not embarrassing, it's just common as hell!! Jessica! all the way through school, i always had at least one other jessica in my class, and i always ended up getting called "Other-Jessica", or "Jessica #2". Nobody ment anything by it, but it still hurt my feelings. Like, "Why cant I be the main Jessica for once?!" Come on dad, you couldnt get your four remaining brain cells fired up and given me a SLIGHYLY less heinously common name?!

lol you should try being a guy named Mike

and my last name is common as hell too.

i have to give them my address whenever i go to the dentist's office because there's four of me in their files!


Well-known member
But hey everyone... look at "Brent Butt"

He's doing alright! Never let that name stop him, and neither should any of you!