EFT or tapping?


Well-known member
Has anyone ever explored this?

I would be interested to hear your experience.



Well-known member
Yes, I've done it at times. I sometimes forgot to use it when it could be useful, lol.. the trick is to do it when needed...

Very helpful in some cases, kinda like coffee though - can't seem to tolerate it well in great amounts sometimes, especially before sleep (could make me too 'awake'). It depends how strongly you tap too..
And if you're hungry, still better to go eat something. :)
TAT is better for before sleep, but don't fall asleep with hands in position...

I've used it in combination with CBT/journalling sometimes..

Someone online reported it increased his not wanting to hang out with other people, and that CBT was better for him.
I can a bit relate to that, I showed it to a friend who tried it too, didn't persist though and kept sort of 'unloading' on me with her problems, and it decreased my wish to talk to her lol..
It can make you annoyed at other people for not using it lol... Because you think, 'It's soo easy to get rid of unwanted emotions...' (sometimes/usually)

So, it can be useful as a tool, might want to be a bit careful with it though..
Someone said it's like a 'crutch' and the ideal is to not need it..
It can be useful if you really need it, and much better and more natural than pills/meds imo...
Getting nutrition & lifestyle right, doing constructive problem-solving and ideally staying away from any environmental toxics still comes first, I think..


Well-known member
EFT emofree.com

TAT tatlife.com

free pdf manuals, both are methods to get yourself to feel better in natural ways... Kinda like acupuncture but without needles... you tap along certain points on your body, saying some things to yourself

I was once very sad when a friend's brother died (young) and tapped so much I got soo totally energized and was not feeling bad at all, at the funeral.. (it felt really odd, I was usually devastated at funerals, maybe I tapped too hard though)

So in a way it can be maybe 'dangerous' if you would actually need to feel a certain emotion.. but if the emotion is very excessive or damaging, it can be helpful too, to restore some peace of mind...
You can also work with old traumas or unresolved relationships or phobias this way.. And resolve them..

Before trying any meds, definitely try this..


Well-known member
EFT emofree.com

TAT tatlife.com

free pdf manuals, both are methods to get yourself to feel better in natural ways... Kinda like acupuncture but without needles... you tap along certain points on your body, saying some things to yourself

I was once very sad when a friend's brother died (young) and tapped so much I got soo totally energized and was not feeling bad at all, at the funeral.. (it felt really odd, I was usually devastated at funerals, maybe I tapped too hard though)

So in a way it can be maybe 'dangerous' if you would actually need to feel a certain emotion.. but if the emotion is very excessive or damaging, it can be helpful too, to restore some peace of mind...
You can also work with old traumas or unresolved relationships or phobias this way.. And resolve them..

Before trying any meds, definitely try this..

sounds really promising ill look into it when i get home from work

black soul

Active member
I've tried it a bit but I haven't done it consistently so no noticeable changes for me. Maybe I'll give it a go on a more consistant basis and see what happens.