Easter again!!!


Well-known member
Aagh! Even though I have been alone on most holidays since 18, they still bother me. My poor bro is stuck in a friggin psych center, and i'm still alone, how nice.
I don't even notice holidays anymore other than in commercials, through overheard conversations, and when it means that I get a day off. It might as well not even be Easter.

Holidays sort of just annoy me with how much people go on and on about them, and stress over them, and such.

Wasn't St. Patrick's Day on Monday or something?


Well-known member
A tiny bit offtopic but I find Atheists who celebrate easter funny.

And yes, like Sam I couldnt care less, for vairing reasons.


Well-known member
hey me too, especially CHRISTmas :D lol

...and about the holiday thing, I agree with lucifersam. I think if you listen
to the tv and people making a big deal it's gonna make you more annoyed or depressed.


Well-known member
It annoys the behjesus out of me, and thats the truth as im an atheist and still im expected to buy chocolate eggs for everyone and spend fifty dollars on a tradition i dont even believe in (if i dont then its offensive apparently) thats supposed to be aimed at kids... and yet my day will be spent with family, all day, thats not a problem but spending all day in the same room can be tiring and i like to spend time being constructive ...so after an hour or two is fine but then i want ecscape and move on ...

so yeh i appreciate the 4 days away from work but i just wish i could do as i pleased rather then feeling like i should be obligated to just follow these heavily marketed religeous trends ...

i dont have alot of time for these sorts of religeons, muslim and christian mainly

If jesus were alive today to see whats happened in his name he'd kill himself over how the human race has used his soul as a tool for horrible acts and twisted logic ..

Because even if Jesus was to see that people have used him as an inspiration for guidance in a positive form, the evil part far outweighs the fact that him not existing in the first place could have prevented the millions murdered in his name out of sheer stupidity! yes stupidity, but its still a heavy weight to be confronted with on monday when he's resurrected, false profits rome the earth etc ..


Well-known member
I disagree with all of you.........yay
I am an atheist too but christmas and easter is a time to think about others and not yourselves for once, no matter what your religion is, its a nice day and unless your green then you can't be cynical about it.so there.


Well-known member
lifes_to_long said:
I disagree with all of you.........yay
I am an atheist too but christmas and easter is a time to think about others and not yourselves for once, no matter what your religion is, its a nice day and unless your green then you can't be cynical about it.so there.

Then your not atheist, Christmas and easter both have deep religious roots. Not exactly biblical, but nevertheless...


Well-known member
I'm not an atheist. But sometimes I can't stand the holidays. I think I would prefer to be alone. There is always too much noise and confusion. People trying to talk over one another. It's that way in my family most of the time. Concentrating on gifts or candy. The real meaning of alot of holidays has been lost in commercialism. Companies want too sell their products.


Well-known member
Doomed2Die said:
lifes_to_long said:
I disagree with all of you.........yay
I am an atheist too but christmas and easter is a time to think about others and not yourselves for once, no matter what your religion is, its a nice day and unless your green then you can't be cynical about it.so there.

Then your not atheist, Christmas and easter both have deep religious roots. Not exactly biblical, but nevertheless...

Being an atheist doesn't mean you can celebrate during holidays with family and friends. Most atheists will probably skip anything involving a visit to the church, but buying gifts and such can be done without having to be religious, that's probably more depending on wether the person enjoys that particular tradition or not.

I've been alone this easter, and didn't really even think about it until I noticed the local game-store was closed when I ran over to see if I could get a copy of Mass Effect to have fun with while my dog sleeps. :?


Well-known member
Hmmmm, well im not really religous, but im not really athiest either. Im just whatever. I love christmas and maybe thanksgiving. And when I think of x-mas I dont think of god. I dont even associate it with god. I just think of SANTA! lol. And presents! Its just a fun holiday and I love it.

But back to the topic...EASTER. I dont celebrate it anymore. Not interested. Its just another day to me. I loved it when I was a kid, but im too old now. Im not gonna wait for the easter bunny to come and bring my chocolate tonight! lol


My parents managed to start 3 fights during easter dinner :roll:

and wouldnt let any of us leave the table because "it's easter, we're spending time as a family" :roll:
