Dysphoria-anyone else suffer from it?


Well-known member
for those that dont already know, dysphoria is basically where you dont feel well, not in a sick manner but you just dont feel comfortable..comfortable in your own skin, you just dont feel at ease or relaxed..it can last from a few hours to days or weeks..i suffer from this and its annoying..exercise helps along with certain drugs..u suffer from this and if you do, what do you do to eliminate it?


New member
I certainly feel it. It is extremely strong when I am alone. When I'm with my boyfriend working (we are partners), I feel a lot better, but not really around the house because we have nothing in common (afraid to leave him for a million reasons - cowardice essentially).

I too have smoked pot to medicate myself. Here in Cali, it's easy to get a doctor's recommendation as I have IBS that pot completely controls, but always end up stopping usage - seems I can only use it for about 8 months at a time, and then I start to not want to be so dependent on it - I get scared about not having it, and if I travel to another state I have to either bring it and risk getting caught and thrown in a Utah jail when I pass though, or stop usage altogether which is always painful since I smoke so much when I do.

I stopped smoking it about a month ago, and it's out of my system, but the dysphoria of life is back. And being alone hurts, but needing other people hurts too! I want to get through this misery (I speculate it's felt in the same part of the brain that governs physical pain).

I found non-duality back in 2006 (then ultimately John Sherman), and many things have objectively gotten better for me. I no longer feel like absolute crap when I wake up in the morning. I don't feel great though.

I no longer think that I fear people - but rather I fear my reaction to other people. My awareness has grown so that I see a lot of the mechanics of my fears/cowardly behaviors, but I'm still a shut in unless I have a specific task - like walking on my lonely (how I like it) trail, or going to the supermarket. But I feel anxious with both activities. When I go out with my boyfriend to eat or at the store I feel a lot of confidence since I'm with him.

I've done many "brave things", but they are never taken to heart, and things rarely feel better. And when they do, I know it won't be long before my pain will return as it always has in the past.

I once fantasized about suicide (tried it once at 16), but after watching "the bridge", I know I couldn't do it. So that feeling of control I got from it was taken away from me leaving painful emptiness.

I have so little motivation to do anything. It wouldn't surprise me if i don't participate here much at all, and move on. It's an MO of mine.

I wish I could experience and stay in the "no self" state/non-state - whatever those people call it. I wish the fear of life would leave me.

I know that I am in my way. I know I'm smart (slow, but deep). I come up with ideas for inventing things, and so far I've later seen about a dozen of them get invented by others and gone to market, yet I never think I could sell anyone on my ideas and lack the motivation to try. Furthermore I see this pattern in myself, and it doesn't help at all.

I'm know others think I'm not ugly, but I don't feel worthwhile myself.

And while I have no motivation, I also feel like a volcano that will burst some day, but never will - going to my grave having made no impact in life. Destined to orbit one mediocre relationship after the next.

Yeah. I suffer from it.


Well-known member
I hate myself and wallow in a constant state of depression and suicidal thoughts.

I've been diagnosed with body dysmorphia for awhile and I think this dysphoria feeling is one I live with every day.

I've yet to find anything that helps.
I would imagine that keeping up with CBT could help- along with prescription drugs, maybe.
Also eating healthy, exercise and getting proper sleep.
That could take a long time to find something that helps but I would suggest that over numbing yourself with substances as a 'quick fix'.


Well-known member
I have experienced this increasingly for many years. I doubt that it is possible to eliminate these feelings but I am able to find relief. Like you I find exercise helps. Particularly for me, walking in a quiet place amongst nature away from the noise and commotion of town. Having an outlet to vent or express myself and being around certain people also provide relief.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I guess I do? Sounds like something I have experienced or experience. Lately I have enjoyed taking walks around the neighborhood. It calms me down and clears my head.