Drysol schedule


Well-known member
I started dating again, so back to the treatment. That's the only reason I do it, LOL. For the drysol users: what schedule are you on? I do it every night, then I'm going to taper off. I wear tight vinyl gloves. I find them the best to cover. Do you use it every other night, or less? Also, I'm on glyco. Started with 8mg in the morning, which is insane. I'm taking 4 now. So far, 100% cured.


Well-known member
Also, has anyone had any luck with switching to a healthy lifestyle? I tried intense cardio and a very pure diet for a long time to see if it would reduce HH, but not so. I do it now mostly to counteract the side effects of glyco.


Well-known member
Although a healthy diet is a great thing to strive for, it doesn't translate to making HH go away or ease up. This is a question that has popped up numerous times on this forum. I used to be very much into keeping fit, exercising etc. I've been vegetarian or thereabouts for 30 + years. HH remains a constant. It just doesn't magically go away or lessen with time.


Well-known member
oh ive tried healthy diet and ive worked out since my teen years, never helped HH.drysol helps sweating in the armpits but thats it for me..caffeine or any other type of stimulants worsens my HH obviously.

what is glyco?


Well-known member
Glycopyrrolate. Its an oral pill, an anti cholinergic. You take it for the side effect of dryness. It has changed my life. 4mg in the morning keeps me dry all day, and I live in 100+ degree weather and work outside. My body takes it well thankfully. Be aware that the side effects may be annoying to intolerable. I have dry mouth, dry eyes, and a little photosensitivity, but I will take those over HH any day. Some people suffer worse side effects. You can get it through a prescription, or you can order it to be shipped to your home from pharmacy.ca. It is expensive with shipping, so if you can get a doctor to write a prescription, all the better. The brand name is robinul. If you get a prescrip, I'd go to a dermatologist or someone well versed in the type of condition HH is. My general doctor was a little hesitant to prescribe it, back when I had insurance, until he researched HH and the history of using glyco to treat it. I'd HIGHLY recommend ordering the 2mg x30 trial from pharmacy.ca and start out with 4mg in the morning. Don't eat 1 hour before or 2 hours after the pills. You may also take them by setting your alarm for very early in the morning. This works well for me. The site has pharmacists that email you.