

if you go to utube type in "social phobia" the 3rd video down sums up everything for me.

its in 2 parts, lasts around 15 minutes. i thought about posting it here myself, but really its not my place too, although its for public viewing, it is really quite deep and personnal.

but total respect to the person for being brave enough to upload it :)


Yeah i did Coke on and off for a couple years. I liked it but when i started having anxiety i knew it was big no no. I would not advise it to anyone.

ive only taken coke a couple of times but i used to take other party pills by the bucketfull. i would never take anything again though, and i agree, its not worth it


Well-known member
most illegal drugs are illegal for a reason, haha.. i've had many friends on dope or coke and it's just not beneficial in the least! and who wants a drain like that? BLECH! haha.. and anyway, mixing pretty much anything with alcohol is bad news =/ i can't tell you of ANY recovering addicts/users i know that would say "my life was better when i was on dope" ..may be 'fun', but that's what draws you to it in the first place, it's just that 'mask' for what it's really doing to you


Well-known member
Been on the coke and the weed again tonight. Said i wasn't going to do it again guess I got caught up in the moment. Feeling pretty crappy because its wore off it. Need to sort myself out...
I know drug use stimulates the reward center in the brain resulting in further use, but does it also reinforce personality traits brought about by addiction. Example, if a person is not naturally angry except when using drugs, do the drugs positively reinforce anger as well as the compulsion to use.
I've been taking cocaine an alcohol together most weekends during the past few months. I was doing it last night and now feel more worried and paranoid than usual. Kind of wondering whether I made an ass of myself while on it lol. Does anyone else take this or has taken it in the past and how does/did it affect you? I'm thinking about stopping it it can't be good for SA.

Yeah, I used Cocaine and Marijuana during high school, but quit ever since.

Just try not to make a habit out of drug use.


Well-known member
Problem with drugs is that you're just tricking your brain into feeling great about life... so when it wears off... not only is that sad, nervous, lonely guy with the sad puppy eyes going to come back, but he's also got a damned hang over now.

I took E and I'll be honest: at first, I loved it. But toward the end, BAM, reality hits me again; I wasn't happy for making money or getting a girl friend... I was simply playing with my brain with chemicals. Man, I had to really distract myself from not taking it again, because it really feels awesome while your high, but you ALWAYS feel like a loser when it wears off. Well at least me.

Bottom line: It's ok to experiment, but these chemicals are NO JOKE and have a really big dark side.