Drinking till Im dead

Hey everyone thanks for the replies..Sorry it took so long to get back. Usually I only come on this forum when I'm a little drunk and venting.

I'm not exactly sure what to say. I will put therapy on the back burner. I don't think OCD books will help me. If anything, It would make me obsess about my obsessions more making it worse.

I recently heard hormonal imbalances can be a cause or can contribute to ocd/axiety. I have always looked a few years younger for my age and people have joked for me to get a hormone shot. Maybe I should get a blood test and see how things are and if their abnornal who knows maybe that can cure something.

Until then...I'm still going to self medicate with getting blacked out drunk but I'm gonna try and limit it as much as I can.
for me drinking is totally worth it...that feeling of being away for ocd for the night is totallyy worth dealing with a head ache the next day...ive tried medicatin like zoloft and prozac which dont work for me, smoking weed obviously doesnt help because it causes more axiety,
i just recently tried pain killers but they dont do the trick

the only thing that helps is drinking, in which it only helps for that night

things suck!


Well-known member
I know how you feel.. whenever I get drunk my anxiety just dissapears.
Addiction's never a good thing though :( I hope you manage to get help and get better ^^