Dr Richard's Audio Tapes


Hey guys,

I want to take this time to recommend the Dr Richard's Audio Program to anyone out there trying to overcome SAD. I might be jumping the gun here since I'm only on week 5 but so far I'm starting to see a difference. The audio series consists of 20 tapes, each one takes a week to finish making the total duration of the program 5 months. This particular psychologist actually used to have SAD which makes the tapes a little more inspirational. Each week, you listen to side A and side B, once finished it gives you a list of "homework" to do which is really important, some of this work is done at home (you should dedicate 30 uninterrupted minutes a day to do this) and the some of the other techniques can be done while in public. The program also comes with handouts, some of which you should read EVERY DAY to yourself, out loud if possible. After reading these handouts over and over the first few weeks you might feel like giving up, but it took me about a month before the words on the particular handouts I read started to become etched in my head. Anyway's I definitely would recommend these to anyone, just remember it takes a lot of persistence to fix a problem we've had for a long time, this program takes time.


Couldn't agree more...completed it over a year ago! :)

Are you able to do things after completing the program that you weren't able to do before? I notice that a combination of this program and being ballsy (by that I mean doing thing you fear) have been working for me so far.