

Active member
I had a dog before named max (white german shepard) i visoned him to be this dog who will be very obedient and well trained. (I read countless of books, videos and internet sites try training). But reality hit me and i wasn't very good trainer as I kind of let him run around the house. Anyways, he died in my arms while reaching the vet. This was 4 months ago and i think i'm ready for a dog again but I'm not sure if I should or shouldn't... if any of you have pets let me know if it has helped your anxiety or made it worse (like you have to take hime walk outside, park, get food for him, doctor visits, or any other emergency that comes about). Sounds bit selfish in my part to get him to make me feel at ease but my old dog had a very good life..(huge backyard, bbq rib bones 3 times a week, excercising, etc..) anyways, all pet owners let me know pros and cons of haivng a dog, cat , lizard, or whatever... and ultimately if it helpd your anxiety or not..


Well-known member
That's a great question.

I think alot of it depends on the dog funny enough. I have one dog who is outgoing, friendly and lovable and enjoy taking him outside and I've met a few people because of him (dogs are one of the easiest ways to start up a conservation with a complete stranger). But then my other dog was born with a ton of anxiety and fear herself. I'm practically terrified to take that dog out because she's a loose cannon and afraid of anything to point of possible aggression.

My advice if you do get a dog, pick one that is more on the extra friendly side. Even if they are annoyingly friendly, its a hell of a lot better than a dog that is aggresive or afraid.

But dogs are great because they are completely loyal and will never abandon you when you need them. The unconditional love of a dog can certainly help in connecting you back to a world when things go awry.


Well-known member
i had a black cat

she the best cat ever (my opinion of course) too bad i had to give her away


Well-known member
My dog keeps me company and he loves me the most out of everyone=).He doesnt like strangers too much,constantly barks at them.But he sleeps in my bed with me,always on my lap.Guess he just keeps me from being alone and just gives me a sense of being wanted=/ i love my dog


Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. In Aug. of '07 my cat died & I'm still not over it at all. He died all alone at the vets office & I still feel immense guilt over it.

I have two other cats, also & I don't know what I'd do without them. Even though bringing them to the vet is definitely not good on my SA, they're indoor cats & rarely get sick, so I hardly have to. I think that any drawbacks there might be to having a pet, are completely overshadowed by all the benefits. They're my only friends, they love me more than anyone, they're always happy to see me..... & the list goes on & on.

If you feel that getting another dog would be good for you, I don't see why you shouldn't. Even if you are getting it only to keep you company. As long as you're a good owner, that's all that matters. My life would be completely empty without my cats.


A little test I learned when I volunteered at the spca:
when you're picking a dog, turn him upside down, if he's a puppy you can do it in your arms, if he's bigger, do it on the ground. If he doesn't try to squirm out of it, he will be more submissive & easier to train.

another one is to grab their muzzle & give it a gentle playful squeeze a couple times.. if he doesn't resist, he should be a good dog.
I decided to get a cat 2 years ago. I do not take her outside unless she is on a leash and it is in my yard.

I personally do not call the vet as I live at home and I make my mom do it, however I do not need to go for walks at all with her so that helps.



Well-known member
Dogs suck unless they are quiet, smart, friendly, and have no chance of killing you out of instinct.

I'm reminded of a girl I really liked. She told me that she loved Pitbulls and was going to get one no matter what someday. Out of all the things in the world, that was the biggest turnoff for me, ever.

I do like cats however.