Does your SA make you too dysfunctional to hold a simple job?

I get so flustered and nervous that I have trouble even with the simplest of tasks (job wise). When I worked at Wal-mart, it was hard to even get the hang of a simple deli job because I felt so dysfunctional and nervous. I think the anxiety soaks up so much of my mental energy that it makes it hard to focus, multi-task, remember things, etc. I have a degree and yet I am terrified to even get a job at a fast food place because I think I will feel stupid when I can't perform well.

Does anyone have this problem? Has anyone been fired from what should be an "easy" job because of their anxiety/incompetence? I swear I feel like I'm mentally retarded half the time. How am I supposed to hold a "real job" at a major company when I can't even function and make stupid mistakes all the time?
Yep. I can relate.
I once had a job when I turned 16 as a cook at a fast food place, but the orders went so fast, and I didn't understand the menu or what to cook. I was just throwing burgers on the skillet lol. I couldn't handle it, so I quit. With virtually no friends, that's been my only real job. For everything else I've just been too afraid. And having hardly any life skills doesn't help. I wouldn't know what in the world I'm doing out there.
It definitely makes me feel retarded sometimes. Especially as time goes on and my mental capacity feels like it's shrinking.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
I get so flustered and nervous that I have trouble even with the simplest of tasks (job wise). When I worked at Wal-mart, it was hard to even get the hang of a simple deli job because I felt so dysfunctional and nervous. I think the anxiety soaks up so much of my mental energy that it makes it hard to focus, multi-task, remember things, etc. I have a degree and yet I am terrified to even get a job at a fast food place because I think I will feel stupid when I can't perform well.

Does anyone have this problem? Has anyone been fired from what should be an "easy" job because of their anxiety/incompetence? I swear I feel like I'm mentally retarded half the time. How am I supposed to hold a "real job" at a major company when I can't even function and make stupid mistakes all the time?

whoa, i totally symphathize. when i start jobs. i act full blown retarded. when i get nervous, i go into full shut down. eventually it settles down, and i just have occasional demented moments.

on a happy note... i notice tons of people do stupid stuff on the job, so we're not alone!

plus, food service sounds like an awful job. what about a jewelry salesperson? they dont seem to have to interact with more than two people a day!
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Well-known member
I can't even shop without making a fool of myself because of my nervousness. I drop money on the floor, give the wrong amount - I frequently read the notes and coins in a dyslexic kind of way - eg if the total is say, (South African rand instead of dollar) R70.35c - I'll hand over R35.70c.
I never worked for anyone other than my father because I could never get past the first intervew for any job. One man ripped up my application and threw it in the bin while the interview was still in progress.
Another man who interviewed me said I'd never stand a chance of ever getting a job unless I got help for my SA. He promised to call me with the number of a psychiatrist he recommended but he never did.
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Well-known member
That's pretty harsh, Meisiemel.

The last job I had was as a cashier several years ago, and I lasted all of one day. Since then, my SA has made it impossible to find one. But I like to think that if I could get one, I could hold onto it. At least long enough to find a better one.



Yes,if teacher are saying something to me i forget it very fast i cant concentrate with this fear...i always dont want make something wrong but it happens because of this.
I thought so, but not really.

Two years back I had to run a internship for a day every week, for a period of 10 weeks. The entire time (even on all days I didn't have to go there) I just felt like collapsing right there and then, 24-7. I was convinced I did an absolute horrible job because of how I felt. For me it was mentally unbearable.

But at the end, when I told them (through other people) how I felt, they said they couldn't notice a thing.

I've always found that rather curious. :/