does this sound like hyperhidrosis


New member

in a previous thread l mentioned l have always sweated from the arm pits and that my hands and feet started sweating this year. l am 23. my hands and feet seem a little better they are just slightly clammy all the time. l know this is hyperhidrosis because these areas sweat pretty much all the time.

anyway lately l have noticed that my forehead sweats easier then it did last year. it seems like light activities makes it sweat,not lots but it bothers me, but it only does it when l am doing something. l have been going for 15 min walks the last week or so when it is still fairly cool outside at night. my back, forehead will sweat a little, but as soon as l get home l start sweating much more, then it goes away in about 5-10 minutes. the sweating varies but does seem excessive for a short walk. even though it does go away can this still be hyperhidrosis, or is hyperhidrosis constent sweating all the time.

would like some thoughts, thanks.
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Well-known member
It surely sounds like Hyperhidrosis. You may want to check with your Doctor to see if something else is causing your sweating


Well-known member
It could be a mild case off HH, but you mentioned it usually happens for you during physical activity. Most people with HH will sweat even when they are not active, and even if the temperature is cool.
Sounds like it could be.

I suffer from it, but I'm not constantly sweating. Like you, it comes on when I do extremely mild physical activity, or when I'm getting anxious about something.

While I do sweat when I'm doing nothing, it is worse during exercise and when the temperature changes suddenly, like when you go inside. Even when I've just got a mild sweat, the temperature change turns me into a fountain, regardless of how small the change is.

Just because you're not sweating all the time doesn't mean it isn't hyperhidrosis, the fact that you're sweating more than you used to, and that you're sweating in mild temperatures while doing the smallest bit of exercise indicates that there might be something wrong.

BUT! don't suffer with it. Do some research into super strength antiperspirants if you're worried. I've suffered from it for nearly 7 years and about two days ago decided to try one and it seems to be helping.
