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About three weeks ago my friend wanted me to go to a party and I was nervous and didn't want to go but decided ok I'll make myself go because I heard to get over social anxiety you have to put yourself in these situations. I end up going and at one point my friend walks past me and says your kookin it and that pissed me off because I knew I was gonna end up being awkward. I was just standing next to random people not talking and probally looking very weird. I remember at one point I looked around while everyone was talking and I was just there. Im glad there was beer to get me drunk and calm my nerves because otherwise I would have been freaking out and look terrified. One girl asked me if I was ok because she said I looked zoned out and all I could think was that I looked like I didn't know what to do. *I just don't know how to talk to people. I'm 23 I'm not a bad looking guy I deserve more out of life then to always be At home week after week away from the world. It just pisses me off that I put myself out in a social situation and ended up looking like a jack ass. *I got a couple of CDs on self confidence and how to be assertive it says after thirty days it should help. How do you make it at a party or In social situations? What do you do so you don't come off as awkward?