does it sound like social phobia?

christine 24

New member
hi everyone,this is my first time on here.Its so nice to hear what everyone is writing makes me feel like im not the only one going though these feelings.
Ive always been a anxious person but about 4 years ago was when it all became now 24 years old and feel like ive tried every form of help available.
Basically i get nervous doing the most basic of things like seeing someone i know in the street or ordering a drink or paying for petrol and work is ther worst.
Im a hairdresser and i feel really judged when im taking to people.My voice becomes really shacky and it doesnt even sound like me and sometimes when im talking i cant even get my words throat goes tight and my heart pounds.When im on the telephone its even worse.
Its so embarrassing and i know its stupid but i cant stop feeling anxious.ive read up on selective mutism im not sure if i perhaps have that as well as social phobia??im not depressed im really happpy with everything else in my life i just feel like this problem is holding me stuck in a rut i would like to find a new job but im scared of meeting people and talking to people.ive tried councilling,hypnotherapy,workshops and im on beta blockers but they dont really do much.can anyone relate to this and does it sound like ive got social phobia or selective mutism?its so frustating that ive got it, it affects little things in day to day life things that i sound enjoy i stress about what could happen.for example will people laugh at me or what will they ask me?ive hada few bad experiances as well that have made me paranoid about my voice.clients have said have you got a sore throat or someone even thought i was crying on the phone.someone i hadnt seen for ages asked me what was wrong with my voice and someone else said whats the matter your losing your voice!!the more people comment the more paranoid im getting.does anyone else feel like this i used to be so social now i struggle to talk to new people.i cant even say hi to people when im walking the dog.i hate being introduced to people and being asked questions.even if someone asks if i want a drink my throat goes tight and i struggle to answer.ive wrote loads anyway so if anyone can relate to this please write back and ill explain more.
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Active member
Hi welcome to spw. :) yes i think so. it does sound like social phobia. i dont want to sound like a know-it-all but i think it's not selective mutism because accdg to my psychiatrist, it's milder than social phobia. I asked her when i first went to her because i did some research about what my condition could be before going to her. i even thought i have asperger's syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder. but it wasnt. i hope you could make lots of friends here.. it does help a lot if you have friends who understand you. :)

christine 24

New member
hiya thanks for your reply.its so nice to hear from you have social phbia?im guna try and get referred to a you experiance any of the things that i talked about?

I feel the same way you do! I have always been alittle shy but now I really have to force myself to do simple tasks like paying for gas. Nowadays I even get nervous just pumping gas, which is weird. Sometimes if somebody says something to me it will take me a few seconds to respond, almost like I have a mental disability but that never happens around people I'm comfortable with, I dont know if that happens to you. Either way, I think you probably developed some social anxiety. When looking for a psychiatrist, psychologist, or therapist try finding one who specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). I've heard many success stories of those with social phobia/anxiety that underwent CBT :)

christine 24

New member
hiya,yeah thats how i get i either stutter or my voice starts shaking.i suppose i just feel judged by everyone and feel like people are guna take the piss out of my voice.thanks for your trying to be positive and hopefully i will get the right seems like such a stupid problem but such a massive problem in my my appointment next wednesday.goodluck yourself.


Well-known member
In my opinion you definitely have Social Anxiety. Your anxiety is even being reinforced because you are getting that feedback from people about your voice, but you must remember that is only because YOU were anxious to begin with, which kinda manifested in your voice becoming shaky.
In my view, you need to start changing your Internal dialogue, your thoughts and your beliefs and start realising that they are completely false, and then start living and practicing your new more truthful thoughts. This will take time and is a step by step process and you must have patience and try and really find joy in the progress you do make. I would highly recommend meditation whereby you just sit quietly and relax and put your mind in Neutral and not engage or judge any thoughts you have; this will get you more used to Not Thinking and just being Present.
I can relate to all of what you posted. I have social phobia and avpd. I knew once it started getting to the point your at right now I needed to go on medicine or get some kind of help, or I wouldnt be able to go anywhere! Thats how bad it was getting, I mean I need to go to work, go to the store etc, I have to be able to go places without feeling anxious about how Im going to act or feel.
I started the medicine Celexa, last april and Ive been doing much better. Plus this website helps a lot!!!! So hopefully you'll be able to take comfort in the fact there are others going through the same stuff you are.
Welcome to SPW :)


Active member
this happens to me too, my voice comes out shaky and quiet.
the more you worry about it, the more you will notice it.
just brush it off and dont have an emotional reaction to it and it should go away.
or another thing i find really works (strange but it works) is encouraging it to get worse.
tell your voice to shake more, then dont have an emotional response to it.
give it a try :)