does it get easier to deal with?


Well-known member
I havn't been diagnosed with OCD but am pretty sure I have pure O. Going to see a psychologist after christmas.

Anyways, some days I feel like I can control it that I can beat it. Other days, like today my moral is totally broken and I am wondering why im evein in this world. It's causing me to get a little depressed.

Does it get easier?


Well-known member
I always get these swings of confidence and defeat... I cant properly control it but on time you will get used to it...
Do exercises and stretches. good exercises are resistance exercise that will help tone your muscles and add definition.
stretch exercises will help you gain flexibility and will be important as you will be sure to experience rapid growth and longer joints and limbs mate.


Well-known member
yea know were your coming from ... my heads all over the place at mo