Does fidget rings help with social anxiety?


Well-known member
I have a theory that if I keep my hands busy during social situation, it wil reduce anxiety. I need something to reduce my anxiety during those times. Is there another way?


Well-known member
I didn't know fidgeting with your hands would reduce SA. Although, I would be concerned that it would draw attention to myself (as in, why does he keep moving his hands).

I don't know.


Well-known member
Playing with your hands is kind of awkward. I would need something to fidget with, such as a cell phone or MP3 player. Then people will think I'm busy and won't see me as weird.
Don't Move

I don't think so. I can never stop fidgeting or moving my hands and it always annoys me when people point it out, it's sort of embarrassing. I'd rather just be still and calm. Fidgeting makes you look nervous.