does anyone just want to be loved but cant bcoz?


my social phobia is rlly hurting mentally. im 18 and it has got severe in the last year, i have not went out and i have become overweight. ive neva had a girlfriend bcoz of this!!!!!!!!!!!! i just neeeed a girlfriend but no1 will want me :( anyone want me herE? haha lol :oops:


Well-known member
Yeah it hurts really badly. We can't expect anyone to love us if we can't learn to love ourselves.


Well-known member
imeta really fat person and on about 3 months hes already different ,keep dieting and one day youll be skinny again .
I know what you mean Ace, I'm 19 and haven't been even slightly active romantically since the end of my last relationship almost two years ago. I haven't even really tried.

My SA got ad when I got into University (in second year now). I realized I didn't know how to meet people. Everyone around me was doing fine, meeting tons of people and yet I still spent most of my days alone. Eventually where you may have become overweight, I became addicted to marijuana :(. It isn't fun anymore but I can't stop, and it surely isn't helping my SA at all.
I know exactly what you're goin through!! And it's even worse because a friend of mine (basically my only friend) who I was interested in and I thought was interested in me made it clear yesterday that she doesn't want to date right now....Broke my poor little heart in two!!!

I'm sooooo lonely! I NEED somebody!!! But SA makes me seem boring and no girls want a boyfriend that bores the hell outa them!


Active member
If he LIVES in Middlesboro, I can understand his pain.

That place is like a fucking third world country.


Well-known member
I'm sure alot of us feel the same way. I don't think your weight should be an issue to be honest, a nice lass wont hold that against you. If I met a nice lad, I wouldnt think twice about his weight.


I dont think been over weight matters tghat much i would date someone over weight.but im a few stones over weight to.You chould try a daating web site or something.I would probably want a bf with sa more than one withot it x


WHO HA !! - DO NOT REPEAT NOT go near dating sites - one if they are free they are full of some very strange people - and if you have to pay they are a rip off !! - also i have to quote some research that has been done by scientists - in universities - that says basically men are always looking for younger partners and women are looking for a fat wallet ( not my words folks ) - BUT , I have to say , speaking as on who has experienced the ups and mainly downs of love - that there are hell of a lot of mercenary - self interested people ( of BOTH sexes ) out there - they are users !!!! - beware them you younger people - they will bring you nothing but misery

HAVING SAID THIS : i can tell you that there ARE genuine people who want you for you - who can and will see past your body and look for the deeper you - they are like the proverbial needle in a haystack - but they ARE out there - i found mine and married her after 40 odd years of being alone - sadly she got taken by cancer after a short time and i am alone again - but she saw me for the real person i am - and even though she is gone - i still worship her as my TRUE soul mate

so my advice to all those unloved out there - don't settle for a relationship - any relationship - and don't get involved with users - you will find your soul mate - trust me on this - we all have one - but don't be deluded by shallow people with agendas - be this kids - money whatever - it will end in tears !!

yes being lonely is a b***h - but better that than being in a no hope relationship that makes you unhappy - just hang in there and the one - your one WILL come along

and remember - there is one hell of a difference between TRUE love - lust and just having a sex partner - i had TRUE love - and it beats all the others hands down !!

and god i miss her now she has gone - bless you - where ever you are



( dedicated to francina - 1955 - 2006 - you taught me the REAL value of a partner - friend and lover ) :cry:


New member
I dont usually say it but I feel now is a good time... I actually prefer curvier girls

I know im not alone, theres bound to be women out there who feel the same about men too!


Well-known member
recluse said:
Yeah it hurts really badly. We can't expect anyone to love us if we can't learn to love ourselves.

everybody stands up and give a round of applauses please


ranjin, i dont think me living in middlesbrough has anything to do with it. you are just pathetic, middlesbrough is not scruffy like you think, come here and judge for yr self u thick ****. seriously, if you say this because we got voted worst place to live in england for 1 year, by channel 4 location then you are very gullible, they did not even reply to us when we asked them were they got there details from to make us the worst place to live.

but anyways, i wonder were u live...'Ranjinsingh'....probley a real third world country by the sound of your name.


hello, im not trying to make a move lmao, but were ya from? and how old? im just curious.....and i like the name jodie' :) i have always liked that name for some reason.....


Well-known member
i just neeeed a girlfriend but no1 will want me :( anyone want me herE? haha lol :oops:

Never say no-one will want you. Just cos you feel the way you do with sa doesn't mean that someone won't ever become yr g/f.
I wish someone would want me though! So we are as bad as each other ;)

Recluse said it best, we have to love ourselves first before we can love another, I'm workin on that myself :)