Does anyone file their teeth with sandpaper?


New member
I have an obsession with my teeth. I lost a cap and it started making my face look uneven, so i ended up filing my teeth with sandpaper to even them out. When you change the angles of your teeth, you change your facial dimensions and your face looks different. Now I've got little teeth and I'm still trying to perfect my bite but it's not happening because I'm missing a molar on the bottle right whitch makes my smile look uneven.

I'm still having problems with this, and I don't have $$ for dental work. Is their a way you can get all your teeth worked on for little or no money?


you should be careful because you could file too far and hit the nerve, and then you probably will need some serious, expensive dental work.

when did you get the caps originally?


Well-known member
THere's also the enamel to look out for. The enamel coating on your teeth protects them from caveties and reduces staining etc and if you file that off - you are more prone to caveties, stains, and yes you could actually damage the nerve and need some expensive dental work not to mention that hitting a nerve is extremely painful.


Well-known member
This is completely crazy.. filing teeth with sandpaper.. I mean it's not just a possibility, it's almost certain that a tooth whose protective layer has been filed off is going to rot away pretty soon. The surface of a tooth is made of a different materialfrom the rest, extremely hard and durable, "designed" (so to speak, of course) to resist wear and bacterial attacks for a life time. Even that is often not enough, and wear and cavities and darkened areas are the norm after a certain age, but filing it away... it's like taking off the paint from a car body, and then leave it out in the weather. I hope you haven't filed off too much, but in any case please stop it right away, really, as it's something you will regret *a lot*, and in a rather short time from now.

And don't worry too much about your smile, it seems like a very minor imperfection, nothing to worry about. If you have an attractive look it won't ruin it, in fact a minor imperfection can even be appreciated as it gives a touch or originality, so to speak, to one's appearence. And if you do not, you won't fix by filing teeth.

I hope everything goes for the best..


New member
Do dental schools do dental work for free?

I'm unemployed for years now, so I have no money for dental work.
Maybe go on a talkshow about obsessions so the show could finance dental work for me?

How do poor people get dental work done?


Active member
hey im missing my right back molar 2! i had 2 get it pulled. never filed my teeth tho i should, ive had braces so there pretty straight now butnot the same lengths. does sandpaper rlly work?


ravergirl said:
I have an obsession with my teeth. I lost a cap and it started making my face look uneven,
Is the obsession with your teeth or with the unevenness of your face? I also had this obsession with facial unevenness until I started really looking at people and I noticed that almost everybody is like that! This is not caused by your teeth. It is caused by uneven facial expression and chewing habits. Quit filing your teeth. Eat alfalfa to rebuild the enamel and if you must have an obsession, have one about facial exercises which will even out your face by building muscle.


Well-known member
Whoa, stop filing your teeth, you are going to do so much damage!!!
I'm not sure where you are, but can't you be put on a waiting list to see a dentist?
And I'm sure you look fine the way you are anyway


Well-known member
I thought about getting my teeth shaved. I still might. It's very true what they say, teeth do effect the way you look. I would really go see a dentist and get that done if I were you.


Well-known member
Damn i would never attempt to do anyt dental work on myself by myself. Im very afraid of the pain caused by the teeth nerves so i admire u for boeing so rad.


radical teeth diy

Damn i would never attempt to do anyt dental work on myself by myself. Im very afraid of the pain caused by the teeth nerves so i admire u for boeing so rad.

i had a dentist but when they privatised they required 25pounds a month for my dental plan.for 20 yrs i have suffered with low esteem because as a kid i lost a front tooth ,my other tooth tok a knock and causer a stresss spot wich i am conscious of ,last week i took it in my own hands having never getting satisfaction from so called pros,a dremmel did the job brilliantly with a fine disk and steady hand i sanded the spot away careful not to go to far but the smile is back .cosmetically i think the dental proffession is a rip off. all i need to know is how deep is the enamel pn a front tooth .i know this seems extreem but i can realy understand how u felt ,unless you have shed loads of money or you go on 10 years younger wot is the alternative ,yours simon dremmel man


I can't believe there is a thread about this!

I had a slight unevenness at the bottom of my two front teeth and I filed them both with a nail file!

That was 15 years ago though and I did think I was crazy at the time - no harm done though and my dentist has never even noticed!


Well-known member
I have neer filed my teeth but I have a awful problem with biting my lip and trying to make it even and I have thought about filing it before. But I have never done it because I just didn't think it would work.


Well-known member
Do dental schools do dental work for free?

I'm unemployed for years now, so I have no money for dental work.
Maybe go on a talkshow about obsessions so the show could finance dental work for me?

How do poor people get dental work done?

They don't that's why homeless people have awful teeth.


Well-known member
My teeth annoy me, recently I chipped one of my front teeth and want it filed down, I also want my bottom teeth straightened but i cba with braces or anything.

Rise Against

Well-known member
Damn i would never attempt to do anyt dental work on myself by myself. Im very afraid of the pain caused by the teeth nerves so i admire u for boeing so rad.

same here! I chipped my tooth once so the nerve was exposed and it was one of the most painful things ive ever done.


Active member
I knew a lady who used to pull all her eye lashes out....strange!! I know this has nothing to do with sandpapering ya teeth but made me think of her for some mad reason!