Does anyone else practice Mindfulness ?


Well-known member
I became interested in Mindfulness early this year. It is also called “walking meditation”. Since childhood my mind and body have been wrecked by racing anxiety for one reason of another. I believe it also led to bad choices in life along with self-medication to alleviate anxiety and depression. A few months ago I took a group class about Mindfulness and it benefits and began practicing the art of it. I also learned a little about how the mind and body are linked while effecting each other. I have infrequently practiced conventional meditation but have only found it beneficial for time in and around the meditation period. I have found that Mindfulness very helpful in daily directing my mind to a calmer and focused state.

I usually practice it in common everyday experiences like showering, eating, driving, preparing for sleep or just when I am confronted with my anxiety. I attempt to enter this mind set by paying attention to my surroundings in a non-judgmental way. I will focus on trees, colors, movement of the wind, etc. Another way is to take a trip around my body focusing on every part and the pressures they bear, my breathing, or just the rhythm of my heartbeat. Other thought of anxiety may come to me also but instead of judging them and myself then following these thought, I allow them to flow away down an imaginary calm river. When I am practicing this I find it beneficial to how my day ensues. However, my dedication of time has been in scattered instances and practice is often forgotten about for days.

The reason I am starting this thread is to see how others may practice Mindfulness. Not so much an inactive or sitting meditation but walking meditation through your active day. The only other way I see it practiced is in martial arts. I think other people’s practices could be beneficial to me. I have been told if it is incorporated extensively for several weeks it will show much stronger benefits and be more habitual. My hope is to learn better practices and how to keep on tract so as too influence my life better. Also, it could be helpful to see what prevents you from a daily productive state of mind.

Due to work, I will not be able to stay with this thread today but I am looking forward to reading replies later.


Well-known member
I try to do this as much as possible.

The more I can let go of myself and my thoughts/judgements and just be in the world, the more peace I find.

The more I think, and categorize, and judge, and label, and differentiate myself and everything I encounter - the harder life becomes.

It's not necessary to do those things - we're taught that.

We can just as easily be taught to let go of those things.

Without all the baggage, I feel much more free.
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Well-known member
I try to do this often. Mainly during running, walking, biking, while sitting on the deck... or while I'm around others. Develops a peaceful, presently-focused mind


Well-known member
I have tried to meditate. I don't have the patience and my thoughts are always bouncing all over my mind's walls.


Well-known member
I have tried to meditate. I don't have the patience and my thoughts are always bouncing all over my mind's walls.

The key to meditation and mindfulness is to let go

Instead of trying to control your thoughts, let go of them

Let go of thinking

It's really more like "unmindfulness"

Free yourself from yourself and just become one with your surroundings or actions
I have tried to meditate. I don't have the patience and my thoughts are always bouncing all over my mind's walls.

Yeah, that's about right for me as well. Have come close a few times to punching through walls. Drywall is best.

I have never tried this. What can I lose?


Well-known member
Yeah, that's about right for me as well. Have come close a few times to punching through walls. Drywall is best.

I have never tried this. What can I lose?

When I was a kid a lot of my friends had holes in the walls in their bedrooms. One use to put holes in the wall of his moms kitchen. She left them there as souvenirs. There must have been about 20 holes in there. Unfortunately, my hands had to withstand plastered walls. It was easier just to put my fist though the door. I actually became good at just breaking open the while knocking it off its hinges. Don't get any ideas, I haven't done that in many many years. If I tried to do that today, I would be the one too come off its hinges.

Or you can try this.

This could be the key for me, to get me outside of my head.

"...enter this mind set by paying attention to my surroundings in a non-judgmental way. I will focus on trees, colors, movement of the wind, etc..."

It explains why a walk in the bush/woods/forest melts away worries. and perhaps why social situations have the opposite effect?

I'm Not There

Well-known member
My therapist mentioned the concept of mindfulness during today's session. I'm going to look up some more information about it and maybe I'll give it a go in the near future.
When I was a kid a lot of my friends had holes in the walls in their bedrooms. One use to put holes in the wall of his moms kitchen. She left them there as souvenirs. There must have been about 20 holes in there. Unfortunately, my hands had to withstand plastered walls. It was easier just to put my fist though the door. I actually became good at just breaking open the while knocking it off its hinges. Don't get any ideas, I haven't done that in many many years. If I tried to do that today, I would be the one too come off its hinges.

Or you can try this.


Fantastic movie. Here's me!

Would like to do that. In reality I could. One my desk right now. Its for display, sure it can do the job.

I do advise not trying mindfulness while driving.


Well-known member
I do advise not trying mindfulness while driving.

That is the time I find it easier to do. You just need to focus more.
There is more stimuli while traveling.

While driving I am almost always in a similar mindset.
You have to pay attention to the present while driving because something in the present can hit you.


Well-known member
Sorry I can't give you any advice as I haven't heard of this, but now I'm very intrigued to try this. I also have tried meditation occasionally and felt some relief during and immediately after, but this sounds like a much more appropriate application for someone like me who needs more regular anxiety management throughout the day. Thanks for sharing!
That is the time I find it easier to do. You just need to focus more.
There is more stimuli while traveling.

While driving I am almost always in a similar mindset.
You have to pay attention to the present while driving because something in the present can hit you.

Well..... then wrong I have done. I don't think I was supposed to doze off? I didn't recall that semi being behind me before.


Well-known member
Well..... then wrong I have done. I don't think I was supposed to doze off? I didn't recall that semi being behind me before.

No wrong done.
I only start to doze off when I am deprived of sleep. Thats when I get mean and slap myself. Never ran off the road but was shortly asleep a several times. You know whats funny... If there were an accident, I would be more worried about my uncomfortableness of people coming to my aid than the damage to my vehicle.

Yeah. I try to get more focused on everything around me. Everything while I slow down my thoughts. Then I find that often more clear thought comes to me.
I only say it is easier. I can find it distracting also if I am struggling to get my mind focused.Takes away my concentration from driving while thinking only of how to concentrate.This morning there were semi's that I was not watching closely enough.Nothing happened but it could have because my attention was out of tune.

About my morning drive today.I had to drive for about an 1/2 hours this morning. So I decided to practice some mindfulness. Well, this morning I was trying to keep my thoughts at bay but they kept entering my thought process and I began judging them and was annoyed while disappointed in myself and my lack of concentration. I finally gave up and tried a relaxing meditation. I was remembering the pleasant feelings from childhood. Only the pleasant feelings where allowed in while I cast aside the unpleasant ones. I remembered little things about the wonder of everything I discovered back then. The feeling of sunshine, the feeling of my feet sinking in mud, and so forth made me feel very relaxed and I found it much easier to concentrate. About ten minutes before arriving home, I felt the need to try mindfulness again and found it much easier to clear my mind and focus. Now I feel my anxiety has eased and I feel my flight or fight response is a little further away. I will try practicing meditation first then mindfulness more and see if I can control my painful anxiety. Anxiety seems to be turned on continuously as of late. It was very helpful for me to start the day this way rather than worrying so much. However, I now feel my anxiety beginning to rise again. I guess bad thinking habits die hard.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this experience.


Well-known member
This should interesting. But that is like... what I already do.
When Im in the shower, I love it. The water.
When Im out walking near trees, I pay attention to the wind, how the trees blow
and the sound of it.
It always make me feel better.


Well-known member
This should interesting. But that is like... what I already do.
When Im in the shower, I love it. The water.
When Im out walking near trees, I pay attention to the wind, how the trees blow
and the sound of it.
It always make me feel better.

Yeah... Your like my wife and many others I notice. It just comes naturally to focus like that. I envy you.

I have read and have been told by my therapist that if it is practiced more. I will cut down on the high level of anxiety I feel from phobias. Time will tell if there ideas help. Only the second time in fifteen years I got a therapist worth a damn. I averaged about two per year and found them mostly useless. I have a great one now. It is a bitch when you have to pay so much to get quality medical care. Very unfair.