Does anybody hate high school as much as I do?

MotherWolff said:
I don't plan to attend college because my bro has told me too many times that its almost like high school and its extremely boring (well for him it was).

College is nothing like high school. If you don't study / do the homework in college you fail and lose the money you spent on tuition. And no one is forced to go to college. College is fun.


New member
Terrible Time in High School

I was terrified when I started highschool. I was very intimadated by the older students in the school. I didn't have a growth spurt until half way through the third year. For me highschool was a nightmare, I found that it was more of a social thing, and I never felt that I fit in anywhere.


Well-known member
I feel exactly the same way as you do. As soon as I take one step into that school I can already feel the anxiety building up and the anger boiling in my heart. That school has brought me nothing but pain and misery and I can't bring myself to even crack the slightest smile anymore unless I'm with my friends at lunchtime, which is the ONLY source of happiness I can feel in that hellhole. People are judgmental, obnoxious, irritating, a******* who were pretty much born just to come into my life and screw it over even more than it already has been. The overcrowding in my school is just ridiculous thanks to the crummy economy here in Cali and that only adds to the number of a******* I have to deal with

Before I used to be really self-conscious about the way I projected myself since my face was always so tense from my anxiety but now I don't even bother worrying about my appearance because I WANT people to see that frown on my face - I WANT them to see exactly how unhappy I am being in that school. I haven't gone to any dances, games, or any other events whatsoever and I don't plan on going to Prom or anything either. I just want to get this year over with, with the least amount of memories possible in that school so that they don't haunt me on later on in life. And they can forget about seeing me at the Reunion. If I were to attend it, heads would f****** roll.

I don't hate my school. I LOATHE it. DESPISE it. Want to see it BURN to the ground.

I'm sorry for being so hateful but seriously, that school deserves every single ounce of my hatred after all the pain and misery it's put me through and for making my SA even worse than it should be.

F*** you Rowland High School...