Does anybody hate high school as much as I do?


New member
I've just started feeling like this probably.. a couple months ago. I just.. I can't stand being in the facility anymore. I can't handle the hundreds of obnoxious, shallow, narrow-minded people. All I see are people who can't think for themselves, and it seriously irritates me. I skip school whenever I can, just so I can avoid having to be there amongst the masses, and I don't know. It seems like such a waste of my time, but I know I have to finish. Sooner I get out, the closer I am to my goals.. it's just a big roadblock, and its to the point where I can't make it through one day without glaring at people in the hallway, thinking about how much I absolutely detest them. It's horrible, I know, but, if you think about how much unnecessary drama that people.. literally feed on, maybe its somewhat reasonable.

I just want to know if anyone here thinks that high school is as ridiculous as I do. Thoughts?


Well-known member
I don't feel such a strong hatred towards it as you do, there are parts I enjoy, it's quite humorous sometimes, but I understand what you mean about the naivety and shallowness.
I don't know about the rest of the SPs on here, but I feel I have a better understanding of people and the world from constantly observing the interactions and dramas of people from a distance, kind of like reading a book or watching a movie. As a result, a lot of these situations are ridiculous to watch after awhile because they're so trivial, and it's like they don't have a clue about anything real. And as for the mindlessness, sometimes I wonder how some people get up in the morning without someone telling them how.

Luckily, I'm a senior, and my last day of school is in about four school days. :)

However, in regard to you skipping school, you say you want to reach your goals, but you do need school to make that easier to achieve. Colleges aren't going to understand your reasoning for skipping, and they want someone who can stick with difficult times.


Well-known member
Wow, I felt the EXACT same way in high school. Everyone is just so fake and they're all like clones or some shit, the main priority is fitting in. Don't worry, when you graduate everything changes. I seriously think high school was a huge participant in my SA because ever since i graduated its been a slow, and gradual up slope for me. But i know exactly what you're saying, just hang in there, be your self, and don't let it get to your head to much.


Well-known member
High school was the worst time in my life. Everyone was shallow, everyone was a poser, everyone was trying soooooo so hard to be cool. Just stick it out, i think its a good trial by fire environment, but there definitly no need to like it.

And yes, it all goes away once you graduate. College was the most fun i ever had in my life, its hard to imagine that people change so drasticly in the short years from highschool->college, but the maturity level was completely different. Man... wish i could do college over again.


Well-known member
I hated High School with my life, but I went everyday. LOL I used to cry when I walked down the hallways. I was so depressed. HAHAHA NOW IM FREE!... In College! FUCKKKK!!!


Well-known member
You are new there and you have an adaptation problem.Go to a pscyhiatrist and he will help you.All you feel now is related with your hormones and related with your brain.
Yeah, I really hated high school. I hated it so much that my one friend and I started doing it online. I have been doing virtual school since my junior year. I am a "senior" now. I just couldn't stand it anymore. I didn't mind doing the work, it was just the fucking people that drove me nuts. I would sit in class quiet, while everyone would babble on about stupid trivial shit. Not to mention the teachers were all jerk offs. Sometimes they would pull me aside and ask me if I was doing alright. The worst part about high school to me was "group projects." Nobody wanted me in their group because they wanted their friends to be in their group and when they did it was only because they wanted me to do all the work. Virtual school saved my life. I am convinced that if I hadn't switched to it that I would have totally killed myself by now.

BUT it is only four years. It's just something you have to get through. You can do it. Good Luck :)

Yes haha with a passion but you see I graduated already!!! I just got my diploma more motherfucking high school for me. Highschool was a nightmare for me, shyt i will never even visit that damn school. FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
i don't enjoy my school life.and i kinda hate some of my classmates because i became their bullying target.i'm always alone at class esp my last 2 years of school because my only best friend and a few friends is not in the same class.i always skip school like once every 2's just so hard to endure. :(


Well-known member
all depends on the school or faculty your apart of ..

ive worked at private school in more classy suburbs and the people are alot different, the students help each other out, you're meant to look out for each other, the teachers get on well with the students, i went to a public school located in a scummy area of the city i live, dont get me wrong there were great people there but the atmosphere of the place was a little uneasy, most of the classes comprised of the fools of the class throwing objects at the teachers, overpowering them that learning was made a challenge in the first place, it was also pockets and groups of people against each other, so it was very hostile in spots ...

i'd have the "tough" poses as some would say push me into lockers every day, slap my folders and school books from under my arm while we waited to enter the room for class, i'd push them back but this occured everyday and sure you can just think "they are just playing around" ...but it did effect me over time, in year 10 i was beaten up every day, i'd fight back but i'd watch all the people walk by as i'm being kicked and punched and i'm thinking "i'm not here, this isn't happening" etc all that nightmarish sort of jargon would go on, and its mostly because i was a shy kid at high school, that made me an easy target .. ..

it got to the stage where i avoided school and eventually dropped out in the final year, just to escape it, which is a shame but i dont recognise or evaluate my intelligence from not finishing the final year, i'm glad i even made it that far without running, in the end ..

i do have a fond memory of high school though, went to a few parties and had a fun time, and travelled on a school trip overseas with a group of 10 or so peeps in my class to indonesia, has to be the most stand out moment of high school, sharing some great times while in a different culture, so its not all bad really. .


Well-known member
I feel pretty much exactly the same way. High school is living HELL for me. I cannot believe i have survived two years! Everyone always says it is supposed to be the "time of your life" but it is the exact opposite!

I have hated school more and more since i started middle school (im guessing bc thats where all the drama starts) and i seriously have the smallest tolerance for the absurd individuals at my school (including most teachers). I have begged my parents to let me do school online bc i just cant deal with it anymore. They think im overreacting and are pretty concerned about the lack of social exposure in homeschooling.

But what they fail to realize is that i pretty much dont socialize with the morons anyway...and they arent interested in socializing with me. Why would i want to try to talk to people who talk about drama all day when that is the exact opposite of what i want to hear about????....and of course my social anxiety makes the situation a whole lot worse :cry:

so ya.....i totally know how you feel :wink:


Well-known member
With the blushing problem and SA/SP I had back in high school I could never enjoy myself to make going to high school worthwhile. I really should been on medication (ie SSRIs) which really could have helped me. Having said that there are some high points. I went to a private all boys Catholic high school and there was a fair share of class clowns, who were good for entertainment.


Well-known member
damn. the worst 3 years of my LIFE...shiet, at least i graduated in time with my friggin DIPLOMA. screw friends/graduation party.

^not to mention it's been almost 5 years since i've graduated and i still cant get over it... :twisted:


Well-known member
I especially hate high school right now because i spent the whole year looking forward to summer break so my anxiety would be lessened, but now, im just spending every minute of my summer dreading the next school year to come!!! And it is going by fast!!! :(


I hate highschool so much that I don't even know what to say. But whatever I do say could get me kicked off these forums...

I thank whoever that its all over for me. But now when my mom gets pissed at me she says "I wish you were normal and would just take your grown ass to college!" Then I have to hear her tell me over and over again that my "beloved" cousins are all going to college, trade schools, and universities(what's the damn difference anyway?) while I sit at home all day long like a bum waiting for my SSI approval which may never come. :?

I don't plan to attend college because my bro has told me too many times that its almost like highschool and its extremely boring(well for him it was).