does any one else feel this way?


Well-known member
i diognosed myself with SA several moths ago when i was searching the net to see if there was a name for my anxieties.
one of my worst problems which i suppose may trigger my anxieties is that i have no confidence at all and feel like everyone is against me and no one really likes me.
i have just had a really huge row with my best friend over this, its a long story but basically i upset her by getting the wrong end of the stick over somthing and making up storys in my head about her and another friend trying to hurt me. i then went and had it out with her but i had made a huge mistake and now everyone thinks im a complete head case which makes me feel even worse because i feel everyone is talking about me now.
Does anyone else feel like everyone thinks your crazy and that no one really likes you much, they just put up with you? and the things they do and say are against you even when its not ?
is this part of my SA? i
If so what treatments are available? i dont no where to start if i go the dr, i suppose i almost feel embarrised to go to him and admit that i have a problem in my head and need help. i wouldnt no where to start and dont really feel comfortable about going to see a councillor, do they really work?
Thanks for listening :)


Yeah I just found out I have SA as well. Well we both have the same problem because Im afraid to get treatment, I would rather people not know about my problem. But yeah, most of what you feel, I feel as well......


I feel the same. This paranoia that everyone is talkin bad about me makes me sick. And I cant go and see help myself, no one knows I have SA not even my parents because i cant tell them, if I would tell them I would get a nervous breakdown or somethin like that. Iam the only one who can help myself


Well-known member
i have never told anyone that i have SA either, i feel embaressed and ashamed, i cant even bring myself to tell my mum and we are really close.
My best friend has sussed out that there is somthing not right with me after we had a big fall out over a stupid misunderstanding and me feeling paranoid. she thinks i should go and see a dr because i am so paranoid about people talking about me and not likeing me, and am very anxious in certain situations.
yesterday i talked myself into making an apointment to see the Dr but now i am starting to talk myself out of it again.


Well-known member
help me out guys!!!!

i have my doctor apointment tomorrow and im starting to panick about telling him. I dont no how to start by telling him because i have never told anyone before apart from you guys. i know its silly because he's a Dr but i feel like a freak telling him i think i may be suffering from depression and i think i have SA . im scared he wont take me seriously and will fob me off with some other reason for feeling this way.
I need your support guys, i dont want to bottle out. :(


Well-known member
well i sat in that surgery with my heart pounding in my stomach but i went in and told the Dr that i feeling very down and feel im suffering with SA.
I dont think he really understands much about Social anxiety disorder, he didnt come across that way but he was very understanding and he offered me to see a councilor and has given me some citalopram to help with my depression. i said i would see how i felt in a few weeks and may take up the councilor at a later date as i feel very uncomfortable talking to a stranger about my personal life. im a bit concerned though because he has only given me a months worth of medication and told me to come back again in a couple weeks time. if he takes me off them i feel my anxieties and depression will still be there.