Does any of your friends make you feel inferior?


Well-known member
Drop her, cause she will drop you the first chance she got. People like that aren't your friend, they are just people who just want to find someone that can make them look better because they don't act a certain way. You are better off alone then having a ****** of a friend, if we can call that a friend. Trust me get rid of her asap or give her a taste of her own medecine.

I totally agree with that! You are so right.


Well-known member
Ah hun if I lived near you I would totally befriend you and treat you right.
It's funny how people think that they are stronger cause they "don't admit there problems" and pick on the ones that are true and honest but honestly they are the weak ones cause they need someone to make them shine and it's pathetic. I just hate how selfish people can be.
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Well-known member
being social phobic, or anybody really, friends are pretty hard to come by. and we're programmed like that, to connect and hold on to the connection.

So true. Its not easy letting go of that one person that you have as a friend, especially because there is no one else out there, no other friends.So who youre gonna spend your time with,hang out with? you dont wanna go back to being completely alone and isolated again. I know this feeling.
But if that friend treats u like sh1t, well, fvck em. U dont need that, and this girl isnt worth ur time.
So I've this friend.We both have the same interests,our sense of humour match,she's very nice to hang out with when were're alone.I love spending time with her(again alone)but she acts completely different around others.Like the other day we're with our one friend & she was literally making fun of me,I even saw her winking at him to ask me questions I was really uncomfortable with.She always does that.I told her I don't like it but she just does'nt care.btw,she's very social & outgoing & I'm known as 'her retard friend'!I'm really sick of her.What on earth should I do?Please give some advice.

Without knowing her, it sounds like she plays on your insecurities to make herself feel better I imagine she is a very insecure person herself and tries to shift the attention onto you. What do you think you should do?