Do you wear glasses?


Well-known member
Yes. I've worn glasses since a month after I turned seven years old, when I was in the first grade. I wore contacts for a couple years, starting about five years ago, but for the last few years, I haven't had the money for them. I haven't had the money for glasses in more than two years, either lol. My eyesight is so bad, I need these special type of lenses so that my lenses aren't so thick, & they cost over twice as much as regular lenses. My glasses cost over four hundred dollars, most of that being the lenses, themselves. The ones I'm wearing now, I've had for close to three years, & luckily I got them 50% off, so I paid only $200 some. My eyesight's been getting pretty bad in these, but I don't have insurance, so I don't know when I'll be able to get another pair.
Yep I wear glasses. When you get to my age they'll give you progressive lenses instead of bifocals. But they take a while to get used to, because it seems everything is out of focus.

I'm legally blind without my glasses 20-200 or something. Unfortunately I didn't get my first pair until I was in second or third grade. Perhaps all that time without glasses and not being able to make eye contact increased or partially caused my social anxiety disorder.

Contacts are cool. However I used to sleep with the extended wear type on. I definitely don't recommend anyone to sleep with any type of contacts on. Now I use disposable contacts on occasion.

By the way, bendable glasses made with flexon are based on alien technology. Obama needs to come clean on alien visitations and stuff.


Corey Hart said:
I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, so I can
Watch you weave
Then breathe your story lines
And I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, so I can
Keep track of the visions in my eyes

While she's deceiving me
It cuts my security
Has she got control of me
I turn to her and say

Don't switch the blade
On the guy in shades, oh-no
Don't masquerade
With the guy in shades, oh-no
I can't believe it
'Cause you got it made
With the guy in shades, oh-no

And I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, so I can
Forget my name while you collect your claim
And I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, so I can
See the light that's right before my eyes

While she's deceiving me
She cuts my security
Has she got control of me
I turn to her and say

Don't switch the blade
On the guy in shades, oh-no
Don't masquerade
With the guy in shades, oh-no
I can't believe it
Don't be afraid
Of the guy in shades, oh-no
It kinda scared you
'Cause you got it made
With the guy in shades, oh-no

Oh, I say I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses at night
I say it to you now
I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses at night
I cry to you
I wear my sunglasses at night
I wear my sunglasses at night


I don´t need glasses anymore. I used to have 6 dioptries on each eye, but had the Lasik surgery in about 97. Now I only have about 1/2 and 1 dioptrie left. The surgery is really worth it.


Well-known member
I wear glasses. I have contacts but am just too lazy to put them on in the morning. I like guys in glasses. I find the nerdy look very attractive.


Active member
I have recently been told I need glasses. It is hard and I must admit I have hardly worn them in 2 months even though they were expensive designer ones (I just wanted to get out of the shop). I already hate the way I look but due to bad luck etc I think contacts will be impossible for me to use.
I've been told I look good in glasses but I know I don't


Well-known member
I've worn glasses for years since I was a kid and I've never had any problem with them. Anytime I take them off my face feels naked without them.