Do you use your cellphone very regularly?

because of SP i rarely send anyone an SMS or call (i only call my parents). when i didnt have SP i used to send messages for lots of reasons but now i only do it if i really have to do it for something and i always think the other persons gonna find it weird because i hardly ever send them messages. since i got this i rarely even got any new phone numbers on my list. i never ask people for their numbers. how do normal people do it, they just ask in the middle of the conversation? i feel so ridiculous. say what you have to say about this, people.


Well-known member
sometimes i just take out my phone and just ask a frined or an aquaintance what their number is. if it is for an aquaintance i just ask them to tell me their number and sometimes add a reason why ex: discuss more on the project, so we can talk later etc,

its not rocket science if it is with a person you know and who knows you

when i got my new cell phone alot of people were adding me and i eve added some other peoples too


Active member
Generally don't use mine very often, although for whatever reason I've been having a bit more of a life lately so I do use it occasionally. Previously though, I tended to talk 30-40 minutes per month, which seems like an awful waste of $35/month. As for asking for phone numbers, it's only awkward if you don't know the person well. If you do know the person, then obviously you need the number to communicate, and the other person understands that and the situation won't be awkward.


Well-known member
i receive one call by month and it's mistake GRRR!

anyway it's not necessarelly a bad thing, i would hate to have calls eat 5 minutes!]


Well-known member
there are a few people i text pretty regularly but they are people ive met online lol

then theres one or two people i know in real life but its usually to distract myself when im scared in a social situation...


Well-known member
I hate that, when I got my first cell phone, everyone wanted my number and out of like 15 people only like 5 actually used it :xä
Oh and to answer the question - I usually call only to my parents or my brother. When I need something from other people, I just send a text message. It takes less time and it's also less stressful.


New member
Home Phone nor cell phone ring

My home phone and cell phone stopped ringing years ago, it's only last year that I noticed that I don't receive phone calls or invites to anywhere. Where did everyone go?

I have a cell phone, most of the time I leave it at home because it's never in use. I pay a premium to have it and really don't need it. What happened?

I used to be big social butterfly and after awhile nothing. People just stopped cold turkey and it now remains the same. It's been so long since I've been on a date, out socially or even laughing on the phone with a friend. Now, I've gotten into such a routine that I welcome the quiet and even have learned to cope without all the company.

You ever had friends just because you're lonely? You have nothing in common with them and vice-versa. You just keep them around so you will have somewhere to go on holidays and special occasions? I had to come to terms with that and I also had to let those people go because it wasn't fair to them or me.

So, I revert into my own little made up world. Nice to put all this out here. I'm glad I found you guys.