Do you think you will be cured?


Well-known member
Do you think you will be cured? You know to lead a normal life?

I am especially interested in people who were SP or shy all their life... or had it since early hildhood.

When things got bad for me in late teens, I thought it would never get better. And then in my early 20s I thought there is still hope. Even though in th back of my mind I suspected, things might not be OK, yet there was some hope. I did improve a bit in my mid 20s, but now I am not so sure.

It seems the improvement is too aganisingly slow. No I was not hoping for a quick fix. Now I feel.. by the time I am better, I would be too old to do any of the things I have hoped and dreamed.

What do others think? I am especially interested in the long term sufferers and ppl who have had this since early childhood.



Well-known member
I'm not really sure if it will fully go away but i do believe people with SA are perfectly capable of leading a normal life.


Well-known member
We only get one life. Those of us who have it worst have to work hard on releasing SA's stranglehold because we won't have the chance to relive these years, ever.

If I became horribly deformed/disabled tomorrow in a car crash for the rest of my life, would I regret not taking more chances now whilst I had my looks, abilities etc. I'm sure I would. I know it's a cliched point but it needs to be said. We can all do things every day to make our lives better (not ideal, but better).

I've had it bad for most of my life but I'm taking small steps, trying to accept things how they are and make the best of the current situation.


Well-known member
Well put stardog
I try to live by the same thoughts. What's done is done, you always have to make the best out of today.


Active member
It is definetely true that if you have hope that your situation will get better in the future, then there may be a chance that you can be cured. i know that im never going to give up hope for a better life , even though im in the process of one of the hardest stages in life. I hope all of us SA sufferers will be cured!


Well-known member
I've had severe SA for basically my entire life &, although I know I'll never be "cured", I do think I may possibly be able to lead a somewhat "normal" life, which I, up to this point, have not been able to do. At all. Far from it. I still have hope.


Well-known member
It good to see that most of you have some hope.

I donno how old you folks are (except stardog). I am guessing you are in late teens or early 20s. I wonder how the people bit older .. Late 20s.. 30s and older feel.

I wonder if they still have hope?

I wish our hope lasts... so that we may fight on.. how ever slow that progress maybe.



I don't know if I can be cured. I just kinda need something to cope with until I die.. I believe.


Well-known member
SilentStranger said:
It good to see that most of you have some hope.

I donno how old you folks are (except stardog). I am guessing you are in late teens or early 20s. I wonder how the people bit older .. Late 20s.. 30s and older feel.

I wonder if they still have hope?

I wish our hope lasts... so that we may fight on.. how ever slow that progress maybe.

I'll be 27 next month & I do still have hope. It's something I can never let myself run out of.


Well-known member
i beleive theres hope for us, everyday now im seeing that i learn something diffrent about myself and my sa and i grow from it, i can see my self changing for the better now, i just wish i knew what i know now when i was in my teens, im 20 years old now, but hey time only goes forward never backwards.