do you think its possible to learn


Well-known member
to love yourself 100 per cent ,or do you think sa people will always hate that little bit of ourselves .. cos we just cant seem to get rid of sa compleatly ... but hey we will all die trying to the end of our days right ;)


Well-known member
"Loving yourself" is overrated, and partly impossible without external help. Without reassurance and love from others, it is hardly possible to love yourself. Eventually it is a vicious circle for those who cannot manage to be loved, leading to self-hatred in the end.

I am not saying that it's entirely not possible to like yourself - it's just a lot harder if nobody seems to like you.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Self-doubt is the force that drives human ambition. We will never truly be rid of it, but we can tone it down to acceptable levels.


I don't think its possible to love ourselves 100% of the time. It does help if you have people around who love you or at least like you. I think it is possible to accept ourselves though and even accept our shyness and social anxiety. How does the saying go? When we are able to accept something, that's when the power of change can start to take place. (that's not how it goes though, can't remember).
Pshh so much negativity! I absolutely hated myself like a year ago, But after a lot of CBT and studying Taoism I've learned to love myself! I can honestly say I love myself 100% and there's no-one in the world that I'd rather be!

So really, I hate to say it, but all the previous posters are wrong. It IS possible to love yourself 100%


Well-known member
I don't think it's possible to completely love yourself, especially when you have SA. Even if you can manage to get over it or cope with it, i think there'll always be doubts in our minds. I think it can get easier, but it won't ever go away completly

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
this has always confused the heck out of me. love yourself? what does that even mean?? that'd be like being friends with yourself. or talking to yourself.