Do you regard your SAD as a "disabilty"?


I do consider it a disability, because it´s what it is to me. If the outside world doesn´t agree, it still doesn´t change this fact.


I am not sure... I have seen people who have SA so bad they cant even speak to people...its very heart breaking to watch. In that way.. I would consider it a disability, as it impairs and hinders a persons quality of life.

I sometimes think though that people dont really consider SA a problem at all. I think people see it as a characteristic, rather than something that needs to be dealt with. Only people who knows what it feels like or have training to deal with psychological issues can truly understand and appreciate what it really feels like.

I find it interesting and frustrating that people offer more understanding and compassion to someone with a broken leg than to someone who has an anxiety disorder. We are so ill equpped to deal with theses kinds of problems considering how widespread they are..

hell if it wasnt for the internet I would probably think I would be completely alone and be in complete despair by now


Well-known member
I think it varies widely with how affected any one person is by it. For some people it is undoubtedly a disability. For me, I have managed to adjust my life to a point where the SA does not disable me....meaning, I have found a job where I work mostly on my own with animals; I live close to my family and center my social interactions around them (for better or worse); I am in a relationship with someone who does not make social demands on me; I have developed my own interests and hobbies to give my life more flavor and meaning; I have entrenched myself in certain volunteer organizations to the point where I feel comfortable showing up and being around those people while we work as a group.
In short, I have taken what I was given (a disability) and changed my life to make a "normal" routine possible. Before I had accomplished this, I would say I was disabled. But I think with work it is a disability that can be adjusted to and lived with, much like most physical disabilities. It does not have to be permanently disabling for any of us.