Do you REALLY not have any friends?


New member
I have a couple friends. I live with my boyfriend and an other friend. I moved out of my parents house last summer. I had agoraphobia before and barely left the couch for almost 2 months, but then I started pushing myself and my parents told me I had to get a job (they never really got it. They kind of pretended like they did for a while, but I think they thought I was faking it.) I was alright for a while, got a job, moved out, moved again, and was going to school full time. But ever since those couple of months on the couch, I really haven't had friends. My roommate was actually amazing during that time and called me almost ever day (we weren't living together yet), even though I wouldn't answer the phone. I do have another very close friend who was overseas for that time. He lives about 900 miles away now so he doesn't really have to deal with my problems, but it's probably better that way. He's never really understood.

The only person I can really turn to is my boyfriend. He has been amazing through all of it. (The freak-outs, me not driving anywhere, ER visits because of bad meds, etc.)

Wow, I just told you my life story. Sorry!


Well-known member

deadzone said:

I'll have to remember that! It's so true, everybody's dealing with something.


Well-known member
I really don't have any friends. I don't think I've ever had even one true friend. I just don't know how to go about meeting people.

The only "relationships" I have are through myspace. Seriously, I don't know where I'd be without the internet. I'd be completely isolated, & more than likely suicidal.

But, it's not enough, having friends just through the internet. I'm human, & I need physical contact. I just don't know how to get it. I'm so awkward around people & I can never think of anything to say. Most people just assume that I don't like them or something, & just stop trying to reach me. If they try at all. Most of the time, I'm just alone.

Even at college surrounded by people. I could go a whole day without talking. No one ever approaches me or even acknowledges me. I feel both invisible & on display all at once.


Well-known member
i dont think i have a real friend..i only have friends on the net or by writting letters to some..they are not really here but they are good


Well-known member
I do, but I don't. I have people that I do stuff with, eat lunch with, etc. but, I consider myself as having no friends because:
a.) they barely even know the exact me.
b.) i plan that they'll leave me soon enough.