Do you like food shopping?


Active member
Is this kind of shopping more enjoyable for you, or is it still burdensome?

I went to the grocery store today and bought some prepackaged food. It's difficult cooking for one person, so sometimes it is easier to put something in the oven and let it cook itself. Anyway, the woman working at the cash register gave me a weird look when she bagged my frozen noodle meals. It made me feel bad like I'm a loser who doesn't cook proper meals. *I can cook real food by the way. SA makes one aware of the slightest facial expressions.
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Well-known member
Hell no. I normaly do the grocery shopping on my own because I know I can get in and out with everything on the list in under 10 minutes. I know where everything is in the supermarket. If I go witht he wife it takes at least a half hour. In and out as quick as possible.


I live in busy, noisy apartments, and it can be annoying just putting the trash out.

I either walk into town or drive to work or to the supermarket.
The worst is walking down the road - the facial expressions are often unbearable. There is definitely some paranoia about the way I notice people look at me. At each end of the scale, someone might grab people's attention and talk incessantly, or come across as a zombie, unwilling to communicate not looking into the eyes of a stranger. There needs to be a balance somewhere.

Getting groceries can be a burden. Not the task, but the social situation. There are plenty of SA people out there, shopping alone. I knew that, the moment I became single; a spooky world. I felt better discovering I wasn't alone, in terms of status.

The general anxiety - deciding what to do, in any particular social situation, has roots in paranoia, as you say about what food you buy. This all started 20 years ago, with smoking weed. This may have started me on SA, or I was like that before. The mind overanalyses what's going on around you.

However awkward things can get, I never give up. Not even close. Errands need doing. Always full tilt on necessities.


Well-known member
It's more of a nuisance, unless it's being done at a 24-hour place at like 3 in the morning when no one else is around.


Well-known member
Food shopping is something necessary and it always makes me depressed because it reminds me of how little money we have.
Since I was a small child, we'd always have to add prices of what we have in the cart-- in our head or mom would get me to add them out loud; rounded up so that we had an estimate of how much money we were spending.

Most of the time we have to bypass anything really special - usually can't afford any meat at all; all of the money goes towards the basics, canned goods and some vegetables.

So, food shopping with no money isn't enjoyable.
I love eating and I used to love preparing food - but never have I loved shopping for it.
Doesn't matter if it's an empty market at 2am or not. Food is expensive and it likes to rub that fact in like salt on wounds, every time I go shop for it.