Do you have bad spirits?


Well-known member
Recently I do realize that I can't get rid of this negative thoughts and reflecting on to the people near me. consequently I'm left alone. the problem is I'm a good person, I want peoples goodness and want to make them happy. But when I'm out to the conversations I immediately let them know that I carry bad spirits, releasing all my negative energy and feeling terribly anxious about my words therefore chosen to be silent. At this point I'm completely desperate when I approach to people to talk to them, do you also have these Bad Spirits within you that keeps people away from you even though you want their friendships?


Well-known member
If you're talking in terms of the supernatural, bad spirits do not exist. You're not possessed by spirits. You have a medical condition. You're going to freak people out if you tell them that you have bad spirits!


Well-known member
I often wonder if the bad stuff that happens to me is karma, and that I am karma for some of the unkind people that are around me.

I am not a great person at all, and in some ways perhaps I deserve some of the **** that happens to me.


Well-known member
Of course, I'm not talking about shamanistic powers, I ment the air of anxious and reflecting it to other people.


Well-known member
I think the 'bad spirits' you're referring to is social anxiety. Before I speak to people, I rehearse what I want to say in my mind, but when I actually speak to people, I end up getting very anxious and releasing the anxiety to other people. I know I have good intentions but social anxiety keeps me from bonding with others.