Do you guys have to write down what you will be saying?


Well-known member
Before going to a social situation do you guys have to write things down on paper of all the things you gotta say before the social situation. I sometimes do that like write down what i would say to others before going to work, etc...
Not necessarily on paper, but yeah I do plan many situations before hand. I have like hundreds of pre-set plans to various scenario's planned out to the T.


Well-known member
I did do that when I prepared for a phone call,I had lots of bits of paper laid out in front of me with things to say, and then referred to them on the table during the call. In a face to face social situation though no I haven't.


No i feel more anxienty free if i dont plan what im going to say...but if im going to plan it i get in panic i dont know why:/


Well-known member
I will write down what I will say if Im about to make a phone call. I dont really write down things before I physically go out into the social world but I do practice what Im going to say, just some ideas for starting small talk.