Do you find it hard to think of enjoyable things to do by yourself out of the house?

I was reading Social_Monstrosity's post about going to the cinema alone which made me ask this question. Do you find it hard to think of places to go by yourself that are enjoyable?
Things that are enjoyable if you are with someone - i.e. restaurants, bars, cinema, casino, live events, etc are 'social' sort of places and being by yourself just feels so awkward and not right.

In the warmer months of the year I like to go somewhere nice and have a walk for a couple of hours most weekends and some weekends I will go shopping by myself but they are not exactly fun or any chance of meeting anyone. I went to play golf by myself last summer a couple of times and that felt awkward too. I have also considered about going on holiday by myself abroad but it just doesn't feel right, it feels more daunting than fun.
It seems like you really need a person or people to do the things 'out there' that are enjoyable.
How about others, do you find it hard to think of things to do by yourself out of the house or are you quite the opposite and there are plenty of things you enjoy doing by yourself out there?


Well-known member
The only thing I can do by myself & enjoy most of the time is going to the movies, the library, & sometimes walking around the mall. A lot of times, though, all those things are too hard for me to do at all, but since my mom's health prevents her from going with me any longer, I either have to go by myself or not at all. I usually go not at all, since I've had to start going by myself, but I still go to those places sometimes & usually enjoy them.


Well-known member
What I don't mind doing alone: watching movies, going to the mall to get some stuff, going to the library and taking walks. In other situations I'd feel way too awkward.

A couple of people I know are outgoing yet independent and don't mind going anywhere alone. Basically it's all about self-esteem.


Well-known member
I feel awkward If I do social things by myself.
For other problems I see improvement if I do it again and again. But this feeling I cannot get rid off.


Well-known member
yes! this is a big problem right now, because i live with family i have to justify everything, so if i want to just go out for a walk or a drive i get that strange look as if to say "why are you doing that for"? me" "because i bloody well feel like it and dont need an excuse to live my life maybe?" ...

i mean if i lived alone its not a problem. but what do i do? sit at home everyday and do nothing at all? that would drive me crazy...

so i often to to the cinemas alone or to the shops and i like to play basketball but because i'm alone its seen as unusual but i think a part of that is my paranoia and the way i react as well. i think i need to go about my business with confidence and a stride in my step. if i get strange looks from family because i want to do something alone(because thats generally how it goes anyway) then that's their problem really, in fact they are the only ones insinuating anything weird not me.

i've been to the odd party here and there but i dont have any close friends so i have to do things alone at the moment. i mean i would like to have a friend or two to be around but at the moment i don't so what do you do?