do you feel more comfortalbe being indoors or outdoors?


Well-known member
By indoors I don't mean being at home, I mean indoor places like the mall, the movies, etc.... and by outdoor places i'm talking about the beach, the park..that kinda stuff. lol

I defiantly prefer being in outdoor places better cause I have more space, and i'm least likely to run into people I don't want to see then if I were to be at the stupid crowded mall. xP I hate the mall...


Well-known member
I definitely feel more comfortable outdoors. Especially when I'm hiking or fishing. It calms my nerves knowing I am away from civilization for a while.It really clears my head and gives me a new perspective on things. The mall would be at the bottom of my list of places to go.


Well-known member
Outside. But if I'm walking somewhere and i see people i get really self conscious about how I'm walking. The worse thing is crossing a cross walk at an busy intersection. Just walking in front a row of cars with people sitting in them watching you cross....I hate it.


Well-known member
Outdoors, if there aren't people around, I used to sit on this ledge, back when I was at school, it had a little shelter over top, I stayed there, even when it was rainy and cold just to get away from everyone


Well-known member
Indoors if its home, Outdoors if it is Isolated and calm and cloudy (no rain though)