Do you feel like you get judged as a scumbag because of having SA?


Well-known member
I feel sometimes I might as well be scum since people have judgments of me like I am one. I know my tract record in terms of keeping jobs and sticking to my studies hasn’t been the best but ever since I was little my mum would compare me to people that had severe outrageous problems just because I had problems attending school. I felt because she was comparing me to people that were in actual fact scum bags that I was that.

I am an adult now and I would hope caring about what my parents thought of me would be gone by now but it hasn’t. I feel like they have lifted up my sister our entire lives she has friends, a social life and did well in school and is doing great now, they compliment everything about her every ten minutes and maybe out of sympathy give me a compliment here and there and wonder why my self esteem is shit and I struggle with life.


I feel like i get judge all the time, whether its because of how i'm jobless, lazy, not successful. To top it off, my younger siblings all have social lives cept me... how pathetic is that? The older brother being taken care of by the younger ones... Embarrassing, degrading, and depressing...very.


Well-known member
I know It sucks, My cousin is way younger than me and she is already doing way better than me with her life, I feel bad to complain because things could be always worse but sometimes a good vent can do a temporary fix. I still try and hope that maybe I am a late bloomer.


Well-known member
I am jobless--well sooort of, lazy at times, but have enough potential to someday rule the planet. I will, too. But right now, I just need to have love in my life.

You know why I can't right now? Because as I type, she is having a shower!

You are not a scumbag, Kat. You just have a shitty family. And yes, it could be worse. You could be living in poverty or something, and they do the same thing.

My advice is to grab your fiancee when he comes, and run away with him to a deserted island where no one can ever bother either of you again! And yes, he told me he fishes well, and they bother him also!
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