Do you ever feel like you get treated like your a disease?


Well-known member
A lot of people know about my problems, cause of my mom Unfortunately and people just treat me like I'm a parasite now or something and that I have a disease, it's completely sad. and it's not like they feel sad for me they seem to look down on me. I just want to escape these people.


It's sort of the opposite feeling for me. I feel like the parasite by being somewhat of a financial burden on my parents. :\


Well-known member
Ah yeah, my mom tells people everything about me.

She tells them about my depression, and about things that have happened to me. I have not told her about my SA, but it makes me paranoid to go around people she knows. I know they know about me, and it makes me extremely uncomfortable.

If I want someone to know something about me, I will tell them.


Well-known member
Ah yeah, my mom tells people everything about me.

She tells them about my depression, and about things that have happened to me. I have not told her about my SA, but it makes me paranoid to go around people she knows. I know they know about me, and it makes me extremely uncomfortable.

If I want someone to know something about me, I will tell them.

Do you ever get the feeling they are laughing at you in there head
and like to know that you have problems cause it makes them feel


Well-known member
Do you ever get the feeling they are laughing at you in there head
and like to know that you have problems cause it makes them feel

Yeah, mostly in high school. Everyone knew about my life, and I was a huge **** up. So everyone knew every wrong move I made.

But I still get this with some people, especially if they are smug


Well-known member
Yeah, mostly in high school. Everyone knew about my life, and I was a huge **** up. So everyone knew every wrong move I made.

But I still get this with some people, especially if they are smug

I just honestly hate people. There completely fake and ****ed up.


Well-known member
I just honestly hate people. There completely fake and ****ed up.

Yeah, I feel the same sometimes. But I know that people who are like that are insecure themselves.

If anyone ever publicly bullies you, call them out on being so self conscious that they have to talk down to you. It helps:)

and I know a lot of it is in my head, so unless someone directly insults me, I give the benefit of the doubt. I have thought people were insulting me a lot of times, when they were not directing there comments at me at all. ::eek::


Well-known member
I feel like I am-- but I have not had anyone outwardly express to me that they think any less of me, leeching off my mother and never leaving my room.

I think everyone knows I am agoraphobic - I don't keep it a secret.
If they ask, I will tell them
-- but do they know what it means to be agoraphobic? Not really, no.
Alot of people just seem to think it means that I am shy.
How very, very wrong.
What a way to downplay my psychological state.

I haven't noticed anything really, because I'm not around people enough to sense if they think I'm disgusting or pathetic or not.
It's nice of them to pretend they don't care though. Very nice.


Well-known member
A lot of it is in your head, reacting and making biased suppositions (biased by your psychological state and self talk) on what someone elses "reactions" supposedly to you are and why.

Not to say there aren't moments where ppl just directly do things as mentioned or ppl closer to you who you know act such ways. But regardless these feelings feel real and affect how YOU act and feel about yourself, so that's the problem =/


Well-known member
A lot of it is in your head, reacting and making biased suppositions (biased by your psychological state and self talk) on what someone elses "reactions" supposedly to you are and why.

Not to say there aren't moments where ppl just directly do things as mentioned or ppl closer to you who you know act such ways. But regardless these feelings feel real and affect how YOU act and feel about yourself, so that's the problem =/

I know, I know and I keep telling myself that it's all in my head but I just don't trust people.
I don't want to be close to people cause I know what they are capable of doing. Like I don't get paranoid with other people just the people that my mom knows and some of my family members cause they are the judgmental type, you know the people who really don't have a lot going on in there lives so they feel the need to humiliate people the first chance they get to make them-selfs feel better and I know that's not in my head cause I know how these people work. " You have to be number one" " No weakness" Bla Bla Bla...