Do you ever feel guilty.... ?


Well-known member
Do you ever feel guilty for doing the things you can do?

Everyone expects so much from me that I can't do, like getting a job, going to school on campus, making important phone calls, & a lot of other things. But those are things that I can't do. I would have done them years ago if that were the case.
However, there are certain things I can do now that I couldn't do before. Within the last year, I've started to do a couple things I couldn't do even a year ago. One of those things is go to the movies. I can do that sometimes now, when I'm able to force myself out of the house & onto the bus at all. But it makes me feel guilty because people find out that I go to the movies occasionally & they then think that if I can do that, why can't I get a job? Why can't I fill out job applications alone? Why can't I find us a place to move to quicker?......
I can only go to the movies because it's quiet, dark, I'm usually the only one in the theater, there's no social interaction, etc. If more places were like that, I'd be able to do a lot more.

Do you ever find that if you can do just one thing, people start expecting you to do a whole lot more?

You know what: You will only be able to do all these thinks the day you stop feeling guilty.
the more pressure on yourself, the more you inhibited you are. Just don't pay attention to the other's comments, because am sure those same people who are criticizing you cannot do those things themselves:
so just be kingd to yourself, and take all the time you need to do what you have to do (not just to please other people) , sometimes several attempts are necessary, and if you try hard, you will succeed