Do you believe in ghosts?

Do you believe in ghosts?

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It's a subject that has interested me for ages. One of my favourite programmes is Most Haunted. Although I've never actually seen one (and I wouldn't want to see one while alone!), I do believe in ghosts.

What does everyone else think, and have you seen any?


Well-known member
How weird!! 8O I actually planned to post this topic today! SPOOKY! 8O

Not because I believe in ghosts, cause I don't. But I watched a programme on tv today where they talked about supernatural stuff like UFOs, ghosts and stuff like that.

Well, this was an interactive show so I sent in an sms about this story I just heard..

Here it goes:

This is a true story about this mother who had repeatedly visits at night from her son who she thought was killed in the war. One day the door bell ringed and there was her son standing on her doorstep, very much alive!

...Ok, so it was a very short story, but the point I was trying to make is I do not believe in ghosts, but I believe there are demons who are capable of imitating humans, including the dead! :?


Well-known member
I believe in ghosts but I dont pretend to know what they are. All I can say is that I know 100% that they DO exist


Well-known member
I don't belive in ghosts :( but i want a ghost to haunting me now ...i'm so bored... where is Casper the friendly ghost when u need him? :roll:


Well-known member
Casper was one of my favourite cartoons when I was younger. However,I don't believe in ghosts,but not completely. I know from the Bible that the spirits of people have appeared sometimes,but I just don't believe that a ghost could ever appear to me and haunted places make me laugh! But my mania of hiding from people or being very quiet,often makes me feel exactly like a ghost.


Well-known member
No, but I used watch all these ghost shows and read "true" stories and scare myself silly when I was younger. :) But at some point I just grew weary of the grainy photos/videos, the scary music to make a perfectly ordinary hallway look sinister, the "ghost hunters" recording electromagnetic radiation and photographing dust specks, "mediums" and "psychics" performing cold reading-techniques ( on eager subjects, etc, etc...

Still, those Japanese horror movies can be pretty spooky... 8O


Well-known member
I know from the Bible that the spirits of people have appeared sometimes.

Just curious to know what story you were referring to, cause I have heard that ghosts are unbiblical...but now I'm a bit confused.... :roll:

Or were you talking about angels... which are not the spirit of dead people, but simply just angels....??

cLavain wrote:
Still, those Japanese horror movies can be pretty spooky...

The spookiest "ghost" or spirit is without a doubt BOB from Twin Peaks! I had nightmares for several years after that worn-out denim-dressed, greasy long-heared spirit-dude entered the TV-screens in the late eighties! 8O :?


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
The spookiest "ghost" or spirit is without a doubt BOB from Twin Peaks! I had nightmares for several years after that worn-out denim-dressed, greasy long-heared spirit-dude entered the TV-screens in the late eighties! 8O :?
For some reason, that reminds of the series Malstrøm that also aired in the 80s. Did you watch it? Maybe a bit before your time. It was a BBC production, but everything took place in Norway. My parents should never have let me watch it, I'm still afraid of dolls... :wink:


Well-known member
cLavain said:
For some reason, that reminds of the series Malstrøm that also aired in the 80s. Did you watch it? Maybe a bit before your time. It was a BBC production, but everything took place in Norway. My parents should never have let me watch it, I'm still afraid of dolls... :wink:

You know what clavain, this is not the first time I'm getting spooked by your posts. I just went to bed with my laptop and now all these scary dolls come to mind. I'm not sure I even dare to check out that link you added, not tonight anyway! :? The scariest thing is that I actually have a doll I made which turned out to be a true copy of the devil-posessed girl in the exorcist! 8O

Back to your question, yes I actually do remember Malstrøm, I was just a little kid when they aired it so I just remember briefly. Very characteristic music right? I remember many porcelain dolls who were alive and also the end were the whole house with the dolls started to burn! Ah, it was really terrifying!! I can't believe either that my parents let me see that! :eek:


Well-known member
I posted an article on the Religous dabte thread for those of you who would like to find out what the Bible says about the dead!

"Are the dead really dead?"



Well-known member
Wow interesting LA-girl...the bible has everything that's contained in the world, even ghosts!


Well-known member
I think there are demons or evil spirits, but I don't think they are people who have died. I think they might imitate people who have died. Here where I live (not saying where so don't ask) but there are these train tracks where this horrible accident happened many years ago where a train ran over a school bus and the kids all died..this really happened and they named the streets around there after the children who died. But the thing is that to this day if you stop your car right before you get to those tracks, shut it completely off, it will keep moving and take you over the tracks and to the other side! And its an incline going up btw. Scientists and paranormal experts have come here trying to study why this happens and they don't know and can't explain it. My family has done this many times in the past and we have shut the car totally off and yet the car goes over the little hill and takes you over the tracks on its own. Every time. People say it is the spirits of the dead children who push the car over..but I know that isn't true. Those kids are in heaven with God they aren't here on earth forced to push cars over for eternity! More like spirits who are trying to confuse people and cause them to think it is the kids.
Anyway in the bible it says about how King Saul consulted a witch once and got in touch w/Samuels spirit. 1 Samuel 28:11-20. So it might be possible to "bring up someones spirit" but its not what God says to do, He actually warns not to do these types of things. And is against all forms of witchcraft.


Well-known member
What a mystery Mary! and I've heard of the bermuda triangle too, and how everyone who took a flight there...never returned! And couldn't ever be found and that's freaky and strange.


Well-known member
Not sure if i believe. probarly more yes then not.
I have seen something very strange a couple of years ago(not a ghost but something else not of this world), but it's not something i can easily talk about without feeling like people will think i am crazy :wink:
Sorry to leave you all in suspense.


Well-known member
Oh come on Nedkelly!! Please tell us!!!



Well-known member
Mary wrote:
I think there are demons or evil spirits, but I don't think they are people who have died. I think they might imitate people who have died.

I agree!

in the bible it says about how King Saul consulted a witch once and got in touch w/Samuels spirit. 1 Samuel 28:11-20.

The question here is:

Who spoke to Saul through the witch--a resurrected prophet of God, or a devil in disguise?

King Saul was at his wit's end and trembling with fear. The entire Philistine army had gathered to attack Israel's smaller and weaker troops. Saul moaned, "If only Samuel were here, he would tell me what to do." But the great prophet of Israel had died a few years earlier.

The aged monarch tried desperately to find some advice or guidance from other prophets or priests, but the Lord would not speak to him. As a young man, Saul had been close to God. But after ascending the throne, he became cruel and rebelled against God's Word. Once he even had a whole village of priests murdered. King Saul had persistently refused to listen to the Lord, and now in his distress, God would not answer him.

"Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her, and inquire of her." 1 Samuel 28:7. God had clearly commanded His people never to consult a witch or medium (Leviticus 19:31; 20:27), but Saul now had little regard for God's implicit instruction.

Upon finding a woman in Endor who claimed to consult with the dead, the king disguised himself and went to see her. He said to the medium, "Bring me up Samuel." The witch went through her spells and enchantments until an apparition claiming to be Samuel the prophet appeared and gave the king an utterly hopeless message. It predicted that Saul and his three sons would die in battle the next day.


The following day Saul's sons were slain by the Philistines, and afterward the wounded and discouraged king fell on his sword and took his own life (1 Samuel 31:2-4).

Was the form that Saul saw actually Samuel the prophet?

1 Kings 22:22 And the LORD said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said, Thou shalt persuade him, and prevail also: go forth, and do so.

Revelation 16:14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles.

The Witch of Endor


Well-known member
Hi La girl... i know you all want to know :wink: , but i'm really scared to say :oops: Only if you guys don't laugh at me.
I don't say i was adbucted by aliens, i don't believe i was. But i really feel i did see one in my bedroom 2 years ago. People will say it's my imagination, maybe it was, but i really do think i saw it.
I was laying in bed, not being able to sleep, with the bed covers up near my head. All of a sudden, it felt like something was hovering over me, so i looked up quickly and saw something green in the corner of my eye. I then felt it float down over me, so half sat up, and there i saw it.
I only saw it for about 5 seconds. It was about 4 and a half foot tall, and looked like an alien. It had 4 long fingers, and had 2 large black inward pointing, almond shaped eyes, and was bright green.
I t's as though i was not meant to see it, as after noticeing it, i went into a uncontrollable epileptic type fit, and i could not move. It then dissapeared, and after another or so 5 seconds the fit stopped.
It frightened the hell out of me.
You must all think i am crazy, but i'm definately not. Just sp
Yes, it is possible that there is a another explanation. But the reason it scared me so much, is because it seemed very very real.
I do not have epilepsy, or have dreamnt any strange dreams.
It still does keep me awake sometimes worrying about it, but other times i just accept it. I will never know if it really happened, I will never be able to prove it. But you just never know what is possible i guess.
We'll, there it is. I hope you all don't send me too the loony bin :wink: :oops:
I hope i haven't made a big mistake in telling my story :?: