do u think u lost ur sense of humor?


Well-known member
i've lost my humor for quite some time now. i've been looking very hard, but don't seem to see it anywhere. :(


Well-known member
Fruitloops- u have great taste in comedy!! Cool! I cannot stand friends, fraiser, joey or those other poxy shows, they make me want to tear off my eyebrows and scratch out my eyes, urgh! John Cleese 4ever


Well-known member
i find i have a very ironic, morbid and satirical sense of humour and tbh most comedians have depression or were bullied at school or were the quiet one or something. i also like all of the comedies you listed there and others its the only thing i go out of my way to watch comedy i hate allmost every other genre :) .


Well-known member
I've got a very dry sense of humour - but also quite witty - so it's all in the timing for my jokes. But how can i do that when i'm so reulctant to talk, nevermind the timing?!

My humour has definitely suffered.


Well-known member
Higolo said:
so it's all in the timing for my jokes. But how can i do that when i'm so reulctant to talk, nevermind the timing?!

i kinda agree there in that i have good jokes but i have to build up courage to say them by which time the situation they would be funny in has passed, pretty annoying. My humour itself hasent suffered much its just i not as funny a person because i share my humour with less people now.


New member
I used to make people laugh alot but i when i started high school it started to fade until i lost it completely along with my friends :(
but now ive started uni im trying to get it bac so far its wrking!


Well-known member
I have a weird sense of humour, I laugh when I see somone getting some sick prank done to them like getting dog shit put in there mouth while they are asleep or somone screaming in pain when having operation.


Well-known member
i find i just cant help laughing in some situations, its so hard not to...well it can be embarrasing but i dont really mind...i dont think my SA has affected my humour, its always been silly, sarcastic (i swear all of us have used that word... :D ) but i do tend to just laugh uncontrollably once something triggers it :roll:


Ive pretty much lost my sence of humor aswell as alot of other stuff,i think from my depression makin me kinda numb and empty.I know when somthing is funny... it just doesnt have the same effect on me like it use to. :?

I have a bit of a laugh with a special mate i speak to over the net,shes propa loopy in a good way and always fun 2 talk with hehe and we talk about some really random stuff,so maybe its just a case of getting comfortable with myself and other people again and not letting my negative thoughts rule and then my feelings will come back i dunno.


Well-known member
Anxiety makes me feel like all my abilities, my sense of humor and even the ability to be carefree has been bottled up inside of me.

It's difficult to express how i really feel about things.


Well-known member
I use to send friends emails describing events in my life that were cute and light. Now those same kind of things seem naive and trite.


Well-known member
I still have my sense of humour thankfully but i find it hard showing it infront of people its too exposing :(


Well-known member
Despite SP, my sense of humour remains very much intact.

My sense of humour tends to be dry with chunks of sarcasm thrown in for good measure. :lol: :twisted: :lol: