Do people believe you when you say you have SP???


Well-known member
if something embarassing happens after i'm going out or something embarassing happens in school i'll feel so bad that i keep thinking and thinking about it make me more embarassing.if the incident happen in school i'll feel like skipping school the next day.luckily i'm not schooling anymore. :)


Most people that I tell either don't know what social anxiety disorder is or they'll say stuff like "Oh you're not shy, you're just quiet. You'll grow out of it."
I think my dad believes me, but my mom definitely does not take it seriously at all. In fact a couple days ago when we were in an argument she sarcastically said "yeah you're really socially anxious right now."


Well-known member
nope people dont believe me and they dont wanna believe me....theyve all got there view that im some fucking weird creep...fuk em all :evil:


New member
I dont know if I have had a great response to anyone, nobody really gets that its actually a real thing, rather than me just bein shy and lazy.

First person I told said " I'll believe it when I see it" I asked her what she meant and she was like "I want to see it on paper" I was like okay.. but why would I lie about that?

Second person said, " Your just really self conscious"

My dad just thinks I have " a bit of a shy part to my personality" LOL!