disabled ?? older? alone ? depressed ?


hi all - very interesting forum - interesting to see that so many younger people suffer from SA / SI - i thought it was more confined to the older population - those suffering bereavement etc - but obviously not

any ways i am 50 something - disabled - have few friends ( none in Plymouth ) widely regarded as an eccentric ( hence the tag ) - as i invent and make things - hate all the BS in the world - hate BS merchants - materialistic people /society even more - and have a REAL problem identifying with people these days

mind i have always been a bit of a loner - lot of ill health as a child meant i was the one never selected for the team - and basically just went my own way from then on - lost the ONLY woman i have ever really loved 2 years ago to cancer after only a short marriage - she understood me completely

:D - as she had similar life experiences - so now totally alone - and feeling very alienated by life /society - in fact i am as damned near as i can be to being invisible - people just ignore me - don't value my opinion or life experiences - and think i am some sort of weirdo - because i don't take in all their BS - am not impressed by what they have etc and speak my mind ( as you will find out )

any one in the same boat ?? :?:

look forward to talking with you all
First of all, hi. I'd just like to say that I really love your user name! I love eccentricity, and I think it's great that you are one. I'm really sorry to hear about what happened to you, that's really horrible and unfair to have happened to you :(. I'm a lot younger than you but I also have a major major problem identifying with people and society. I'm just not fit in with them and I wasn't made to feel or think the same way as most people do.