

Well-known member
a dilemma i may have to face the dole are harrassing me again and theyll probably send me to a tech or college 20 miles away were i know nobody and ill look like a fool no way am i going if asked to go what is the point when nothing will come off it i have an investment plan anyway and in 6 months ill be fully confident buti hate the dole harrassing me when know i dont need to be on it in 6 months


Well-known member
Hi! Is this the post you were referring to?

I saw it before and didn't actually know what to post, and hoped others could give better replies..

If I understand it right, the people from the employment office want you to do something, either get a job or get further education? Is this what you mean?

What kind of investment plan do you have, is it legit (in that case maybe you could mention it to them?) or online/potentially iffy (like forex or other online stuff - in that case, have you researched it fully, some of these things can be a bit iffy)? (I hope it's not something illegal?! Better stay away from that, there are some legit things out there you can make money with..)

Are you talking about something like passive income? (Yes, I read Rich Dad Poor Dad books too! :D) Truth is he makes it sound much easier than it really is in real life.. Or maybe some people just seem more suited to that kind of thing. For some people, it may take a while and more effort.. (And don't see why college would hurt? Even Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had some college!! You don't need to finish it - or does the dole ask you to sign a contract to finish it? Might be good to know.)

If you are confident about the plan working out, you might as well go to college or such for 6 months and have fun there? Maybe meet some cool people (or at least nicely shy and reserved - lots of those at college too!! Some even way more scared and shy than you!! It may even boost your confidence!!)

You could perhaps even enrol (just so the dole is satisfied) and never go (do they check that? What do they check in your country?) - though I don't recommend that, you might actually learn something useful there or meet cool people..

Have you ever tried college before? What makes you think you'd look like a fool? Are you older than other students? I was older at one Uni too, I just wanted to study something else after I almost finished another course.. Professors and kids were totally understanding and cool about it.. A few years before there was even a Mom with a 14 year old kid studying there.. And more and more people in their 'retirement age' choose to study, just for the fun on it! So I bet there will be older people than you on the campus than you there too..! And there were some very shy people on the campus too, including some of the professors..
I know a few people who went to study older and they were cool about it too.. Some professors may even PREFER more mature students!!

If you do go for this, just make sure to study something you are at least half interested in, and that it's an 'easy' course... (There are courses that are difficult even for kids straight from high schools, so make sure to avoid those.. A friend didn't listen to that and got burnt.. Ask people who have studied there for recommendations, online or iRL..)

On the other hand, you don't even know if the dole will suggest this.. Maybe they will want to talk about something else? Or another, more informal course? (My Sis enjoyed a job-hunting course a lot, met some cool people there etc!)

P.S. It would really be helpful if you could use a spellchecker and punctuation (like .,?! and capitalization - it's easier to read!)


Well-known member
Another thing I thought of, do you have enough money saved so you could go off the dole for a few months or a year? That's perhaps not the best solution either, it's a possibility anyway.. So was this your actual dilemma or what was?

Do tell if any of it is remotely connected to what you are thinking, it may be difficult to guess from far away... :)


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
New one on me. I thought he meant this guy:


That would be kind of scary to have him harassing me.