

Well-known member
Ok should i ask a girl whether she wants me as more than friend?

I had a therapy session yesterday and i talked to my therapist about this girl, and she suggested that i make my feelings known. Also a female friend of mine old me the same today. I'm really scared though. I feel sick to the stomach at the thought of asking her.


Well-known member
Yeah man. You should. The reason I never get where I want to with girls is because I'm AFRAID to tell them how I really feel. Think about it, the fear of being rejected and embarassed keeps us rejected and embarassed. It's just hard to man up.... but I'm hoping you man up.
man I just asked this one girl what she'd say if I asked her out a few days ago! Took me months to finally ask and I can't help but think if I didn't wait so long she might have said yes

Don't wait any longer! Just let her know how you feel as soon as possible!!!


Well-known member
If you can handle the possibility of rejection and the fact that your friendship may change as a result, go for it! 8)


Well-known member
Recluse,I have been reading the posts on this website for some time now due to an interest in psychology,especially avpd/social phobia/etc and I can honestly tell you that I have enjoyed reading your posts very much and I have always pondered why someone who seems so sweet as yourself and looks attractive according to your picture would have such problems with dating and relationships,although Im quite aware its because of your insecurities(many of which are distorted)... Any woman who has the pleasure of meeting you in a dating dynamic would be very lucky,and if she is smart,she will take the time to get to know you so both of you will be comfortable with each other,which takes time..I do not have avpd nor social phobia and it takes me a while to feel comfortable around someone...


Well-known member
You already know what I think from my private messages to you.

Im telling you this girl likes you too..its blindingly obvious to me. Just do it. Girls dont make moves they hint its ok for you to and she is hinting :)


Well-known member
Thankyou licorice you cheered me up atleast for a while.

Just to update; On Thursday i sent her an sms asking ''How do you feel about me?'' she sent one back saying ''I would also like to know how you feel about me?'' so i told her how beautiful she is, and that i enjoy being with her. Then a few hours later she sent me an sms back saying that she thinks i am nice. That doesn't really answer my question though, perhaps she didn't quite understand that my question was to establish whether she has romantic feelings for me. I mean saying that someone is nice doesn't mean anything does it? Anyone can say that another person is nice.

So right now i'm still in the dark and confused :roll:


Well-known member
Recluse,would asking her to meet you for a drink or something be out of the question?Perhaps not inviting her out on a full blown date but just asking to meet to "hang out"...Or would you be too nervous for that?