Didn't u find a Job yet ?


I used to hate that question.

I guess my point is; don't feel bad about the question so much. It are just words compiled to form a sentence. The meaning behind it is mere curiosity. The question itself will not suddenly put you into any situation you don't want to. The initiative to find a job will come from you, and you only. Which will happen when you're ready to do so.

Thanks for the words : )
By the way i'm 28...so i really can imagine what are u going tough! Every day that goes by without finding or job (or worst dont even have energy too!) it seems a running against the time....and that feeling just froze me! And things just get worst.

I guess all this problems as to be with the fact i've been jumping from job to job (always me giving up) and to get worst it all start with my first job after graduate. So there is always a ghost remember me that experience that become the worst of my life!!

I'm 28 too and the rest of your post could have been written by me. I currently write online for pocket money, but there's really very little. Haha.. people look down on you when you're not working a normal job. I worked about three to four years before I became overwhelmed about three years ago by insomnia and anxiety.
Accounting. I have zero self-confidence, and even if I can fake some in an interview, the years I've spent in school have wreaked havoc on my credit, and "networking" seems to be important, but I'm no good at that.

Hey.. for what it's worth, I think you're pretty good at what you do.


Well-known member
Luckily I work from home right now, so it's been over 3 years since I did an interview and tried to get a job. It was so incredibly hard back then before the employment went down, I just can't imagine how competitive and hard it is now to find a semi-decent job. I do so horrible with interviews, I don't think I would be able to get anything.


Well-known member
The answer to the question in the OPs post, is "No, why have you got something for me?" and when they say that they haven't you say "well what's the good of you then". See what happens here, you have turned the question around so the focus comes off you and goes back onto the person that brought the subject up to begin with.

Funny that this thread showed up right now. Yesterday, I got into it with my mom, after she pulled the old "you have to work" on me for the umpteenth time in a couple years. I already had asked her not to use that line, as it makes me feel very guilty and does no real good: a)I already know I have to work, and b)it isn't constructive like Aussie Lad said(it doesn't offer any assistance for me, just states the obvious).

I hate the interview process, but have gone through it with some success. However, I'm sure I don't come across as "excited" about most of the jobs I applied for. I was able to work for 3 years after graduate school, before moving onto a better job for 6 years. After being let go from that job, I've moved from temporary job to temporary job for the past 3 years or so. I'm fine with this for now, as the job market is worse than I've ever seen it, and I'm not really sure what job I'd like. I was a social worker, and that's what I was educated for. I'd like to move onto something new, but indecisiveness and low confidence keep me where I've been. I've networked with friends and relatives, but keep getting the same job openings from my old line of work, which I'm overqualified for and don't want.