Describe your first panic attack.


Active member
My first panick attack happened to me while I was in a church service about 12 years ago. I remember it so readily like it was yesterday. I was sitting up front on a Wednesday night while the pastor was teaching and all of a sudden an overwhelming fear came over me and I lost sense of my surroundings. I remember stopping the pastor from teaching and telled him I was not feeling good. He figured it was a flu and told me I should go in the foyet. Well I mustered up what I could and got up and headed towards there, but only made it half way up the aisle and wham I was out on the floor. Some people in the congregation there helped me to the couch in the foyet after that. It was very scary experience.

What is your first you can remember?


Well-known member
I got first one when I smoked some weed and there was a couple of people I didnt know. It wasent that bad coz i wasent sure wat was going on. The ones after that were scary as shit. Dont really get them anymore


Well-known member
It was almost 2 years ago when me and my family were guests in the apartment of relatives of ours. We had a dinner with wine and then little talk. I noticed my heart was beating faster and stronger and then came the fear that something is wrong, that something bad could happen to me. Symptoms get worse and I forced my family to go home immediately.