

Well-known member
Ive been slowly realizing just how bad i am of late, since is tarted to get help, ive only had 1 psyc session and the doctor put me on some pills for a week..

things like my blurred vission, my insomnia, unable to sleep, not functioning, not coping, anxiety of goign to work, fear of being crisasised, no enjoyment in life, desocialising from people, my family, withdrawn from society.

along with physical things, sharp migrains, horrible acid reflux and digestive system problems, pains in my mussles, constantly geting sick.. although i think ive been taking sick leave at the wim of being sick these days..

it was comign to the point were i was hoping, wishing id get injured at work so i could stay home longer, even death.

this realization, i dont know if its from my medication, or something else. but i hate it, i hate what my life has been like even more now..


truth be know, im gettin more depressed and i was never depressed but now and i am gettin worse, know one knows about it they think i'm grand and i dont have any help with it be to be honest i've even thought about suicide more then once :(


Well-known member
Do you mean the pills are making you feel all of these horrible things, mentally and physically? If so, you should definitely talk to your doctor and tell them about it. They're not supposed to do that.

Sometimes when taking new medications, people get certain side effects. They last for maybe a week or so, while your body is adjusting to them. Then they go away. But if what you're feeling is constant and you're having a LOT of side effects, that doesn't sound too good. You might need a new medication.